Walked to the Vatican up a street with more dog poop than pavers! Got to the top of the road and in front of us was the VAtican museums- great we thought the line doesnt look tooo bad- think again. It was bloody huge at least a mile long, snaking its ugly way round walls, so long that people were selling newspapers and bottled water. I think it would have taken 3 hours just to get tickets, needless to say we bypassed good ol michael angelo and went to Vatican square- which was really hot 43 degrees in the shade. The whjole point about the VAtican apart from the pope is that it is its own country. So we had to post a postcard from it. We decided- no HAttie decided that the post office was the other side of the square down this road- we walked about a mile in the heat bought a feew souvies and then she realised after asking someone it was right near to whare we had started, b*****!We did send a postcard to our friends the Beastroms and bought them a few Catholic bits. rnThen it was time for lunch this really sweet old nman was handing out tickets to go see this restaurant so we saked him to lead us there which he did, he had the softest hands on a 90 year old ever- maybe they had started to embalm him bit by bit!! Lunch expensive and crap. Went back to the post office to see a very rude clerk who would not help HAttie with her stamp to UISA but we got there in the end. Then we decided to do the basillica, crowds had gone and we got to see St Peters foot which you say a little prayer over , the bronze is all worn away from many people touching it. He was crucified upside down on this site eons ago in the name of Christianity. We alos saw the popes tombs- including the old pope JP and then we saw the most amazing ceilings in the basillica, also the most amazing looking guy on the whole trip- a swiss guard- could have modelled for A nd F.rnWent back to the hortel hot and tired and had dinner on the terrace then palyed cards int he room until11pm and generally had fun.
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