August 5, 2007
Hi Everybody!
My first week of work has finished and there is so much I need to update everyone on. A lot has happened and I feel almost overwhelmed. I arrived almost two weeks ago, and the time seemed to be creeping by as I adjusted to this time zone and getting accustomed to the area. The great news from last week is that I have found my new apt but won't be able to move into it until the 24th of August. It is a really nice one bedroom place inside Nurnberg's castle wall. I am within walking distance of all my needs except work. The downside for being out here, it gets complicated when getting to work. Adidas is in Herzo, but the best place for me to live is in Nurnberg. Herzo is about an hour away by public transport or 25 minutes by car. So now my new problem is finding a car that's affordable.Moving on...
My first day was Wed, and it went great. I met my mentor and current manager and he is a great guy (also a VP). I also received my plan for the rest of my trainingship for where and what departments I will go to as I rotate every 3 months. There is a great possibility of coming home for 3 months next summer or head over to china. It all depends on the type assignments I could be given. Overall I am extremely with my rotations and my projects I received this week and can't wait to get started. This fall I will be in global product marketing focusing on indoor sports. I have met some of my team and a few other interns but life here is still quite lonely.
So now I am going to complain a bit but don't take it as i'm not have a good time. It's just that I'm homesick and lonely. Ok where to start, Hotel: Not a bad hotel but has no fridge or any type of cooking or storage devices for food. Thus I need to buy lunch and dinner everyday and my money is going down the drain. They also don't have a pool, workout facility and I question their cleaning techniques. Cause I am battling a spider or mesquites and currently losing. I also received my bicycle here so now I can get around town quickly but I'm missing a nut for the front tire. I knew about it before just was caught up and didn't get around to it. Now a bicycle shop is sort of hard to get to since its in a town over and it takes a while to get there and it will a bit difficult after I get of work. Okay lastly, Germany is So much different than the states. I knew this when I came over its just it hits you when you really need something. Germans take the Sabbath day to heart and Everything is closed on Sunday. Thus making it hard to eat and get ready for this week. Just need to get used this culture.
Okay that's enough complain, I took up a lot of space. Thank you to everyone who reads this and would love some letter from home letting me know how you guys are doing. Love you all and talk to you later.
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