Hello Everyone!
I've made it safe and sound back in Germany. It has been a hectic week getting oriented and set up here in Herzogenerauch. Even though it has been hectic the week seems to creep by. I am sure that the pace will pick up drastically especially when I start work on Wed the 1st. On a good note I have made taken a bit of the stress off my back in locating on where I will live this next year and half. It is a great one bedroom place inside Nurnberg but I won't be able to move into it until late August. Now all I need to do now is find out how I am going to get around. Apparently in Germany leasing a car is a bad decision which I would ultimately pay 6 times I would normally pay in the states. So this is still something I will need to do but I have till the end of august to make that decision.
My new home here in Germany has taken a bit to get used to. Adidas has put me up in a nice hotel for a month but the downside is that the hotel room lacks a little kitchen or a fridge which is a problem. While this hotel is nice and provides complementary breakfast, it leaves me sol when it comes to storing food or trying to eat cheaply. On the positive side, I am sure to loose weight only eating a meal or two a day. Guess its all on how you look at it. Those of you that have traveled to Europe before know that breakfast is not what normal Americans are used to since they prefer meats and cheese sandwiches for breakfast and not the cereal or bacon and eggs that we are used to. Another problem is the bad exchange rate which is robbing me of my money but not much I can do to control that.
On a better note, Herzogenerauch is quite an interesting city full of surprises. I ventured into town yesterday to look for an audio store to find some internet headphones to use on skype when I stumbled onto a medieval festival that is currently happening. It was quite amazing especially in a town that has a lot medieval architecture. It was quite fun so I will go today and check it out again.
I miss home a lot and I miss all of you back there. It is quite lonely here especially not knowing the language. Everyone knows English just its how well do they know it. Not many here can speak it well so communication is quite hard (small cities don't use English that often). It makes little things like ease dropping a wish that I could do. But I will survive here. Wish me luck and prayers as I wish all you guys the best back home! Love you all and talk to you later.
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