Hey again!!
I honestly cant believe that it has been well over a week since my last blog!!I'm in Bangkok at the moment which is driving me mad. I need to get out!! Reason why is simple, you can buy so MUCH!!Iml leaving Bangkok tonight at 6pm to head down to the south. Our first destination is a National Park where you can do loads of activities!! Yiuy can simpley lay be the beach, go for a walk through the jungle. After finishing my tripp, i just want to realx on a the very least!I finished my 30 day trip, IndoChina Discovery on Oct. 1st so its quite sad that mostly everyone have gone the seperate ways apart from Tom and Jess who have joined me on my second trip. The last couple of days in laos were amazing especially the river cruise down the Mekong river. Its the longest rive ive ever experienced, just goes on forever!! Krsi tod me that it passes through 6 countyries, also known for catching the biggest cat fish weighing over 250kg!!We left for the rivber cruise really early around 6am, and it was still so hot. Its just so relaxing being on the boat seeing the most beautiful scenery, loads of jungle and not many people leaving around there.Very few houses whereby the people live by the river...its quite a self sufficient living. They even drink the water which loooked gross!!!Its got zero visibility, hence why it looked so brown. We had to stay at a nearby guest house alonmgside the river for the night. This is a place where the electricity runs out at 10pm!! I'm serious, the electricity ran out whilst i was reading my book.That also means you have no air con which is a pain cos it was so hot!!!Bugsy had to sleep outside, it was that hot.
Nest day we continued with our river cruise,another early start in the morning to make sure we get to the border in time to cross over from Laos to Thailand. All I can reamember from being in Northern Thailand, (Chiang Mai)is the elephant rides we took!!That was scary!! They are beautiful huge creature...they are known to be quite dangerous but these ones were unbelieveably tame. We saw an elephant open circus where they were ACTUALLY painting, playing soccer, playing tricks with the hats the elephant people wore. I think they are called mahoots, they are so attentive to them. I wish i got closere to them to take a picture but i was so scared. I kept on running wasy from them...i thiought they were going to kill me!!The elephant ride lasted 30 minues but that was ENOUGH! I was freaking out at the beginning because they were going up some steep hills!! I took off my flip flops in case id loose them. I really liked this place so it was a pity taht we stayed just for thhe afternoon before boarding our sleeper train to Bangkok. Appparently, we are very noisy during the night...talking!! I thought I was quiet but Katy said that i have a loud voice so i guess not!!
Met my new group last night at the Trang hotel. Lets just say they are so DIFFERENT to my last group!Have to go now, willb be in touch when Im in Southern Thailand. I cant wait to see that!!!
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