Hey guys!!
I'm loving SIGNAPORE!!!!Its such an awesome citty, its in a league of its own!!!As you can see from the picture, its full of sky high buildings that tower over you.Althouygh, therer are many rules that you can't break such as chewing gum, crossing the roads without using the tarffic lights all of which i will definitely ignore, you will get a hefty fine if caught! Only been here since Nov. the 5th so its a short stopover before i go to the big Oz. Im so scared going on my own but ium sure i'll be fine once i finally settle in! I cant believe i have come to the end of my travels, some of the guys left yesterday. I'm going to name the guys before i forget: Jeff and Claire from Nortern Ireland (wer had such an Irish banter, loved them!!). They had their first wedding anniversary on halloween night, mad!!That night was such a brilliant nbight, we all dsressed up for it. I really went for it, i dressed up as a vampire. I have to say, i looked the part!We spent that night in Cameron Highlands, everywhere we seemed to go in the first couple of days in Malaysia rained in bucket loads!!Other names of the group are: Elvie and Kent, Amy, Kris, Charlotte, Elizabeth, Naomi, Lauryn, Rach, Kate, Benand Kris...i think thats the lot!!Kris left for Brisbane yesterday, he will be travelling around australia for a couple of weeks before going back to the UK.
Then after that night, we spent 2 nights in Kuala Lumpur where i viewed the most magnificent twin buildings that is still one of the TALLEST buildings in the world. And i was up there!! We queued for a good hour and a half to get a ticket to view them uisng the sky walker bridge. I was in completely in awe of them when i went to th expedition where they explained in detail how they built them, These buildings look so modern, its crazy that they were finally compoleted in 1996. They came up with the ingenious idea to create these buildings,all of which the Malaysians built labourously!!IThere was always 2,000 men on the site working in 12 hour shifts. After Kula Lumpur, we made our way down to Signapore!! Surprisingly, it didn't take that longt to get down there!ISignapore is so expensive thou....that i feel really restricted because i need to keep an eye on my money!! Liek a small beer in the most prestigious hotel called Raffles, i think....was 18 Signapore dollars. i nearkly fainted when the barman requested that amount!!Thats roughly 9 quid for a small beer!!
I really cant wait for Australia!! My aim is to work there for a couple of mths then start my travelling again...hopefully!Im done with travelling for a while at least!It takes so much energy out of ya that i just want to chill out in one place for more than 3 days!!!
Im currently staying in the RUCKSACK"S INN. This is the best backackers hotel ever!! You get free cups of tea and coffee anytime you want in the day and night. It ROCKS!!!! I must go now cos will be heading to the Changi airport to catch my flight to Oz.
Will be in touch,
Very exciited Evex
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