Saturday Night in Stockholm, we haven't done that before!
We've been hanging out with a couple of friends from back home - eric who used to play at U of M who now plays in finland, and a friend of his. Our friend eric has it all - he drinks too much, loves to gamble, constantly smoking, apparently addicted to sleeping pills - but is definately a good time. so they joined us on our ferry over from Helsinki to Stockholm
On the List. So we figured we figured we would get in touch with Euro Jimmy who was so gracious the last couple weekends to set us up at the bars in stockholm on the weekend. He did so good again that we started calling him Euro Dad - anyway, we got in touch with him early on in the day for some suggestions on good saturday night bars and writes back "your name is on the list at pretty much every bar in the city. have fun and call me if there are any problems"...sounds good to us! so we went out to Laroy, a bar we didn't make it to last time, and when we show up and give our name, the bouncer smile and says "the red girls have had your name on the list for the past three weeks! glad you finally made it!" so we were thrilled and cruised in to the bar...we met some GREAT swedes that night but we were rudely interrupted by the "guy from everywhere"...we asked where he was from and he would only reply "everywhere". so we hate the guy from everywhere because he scared away the swedes we were talking to...who we were having a blast with because the one came over and wanted to know what we thought of his friend's hair - and we were honest...he looked like Richie Rich. Then Richie Rich says "do you know who sean connery is?" and we say yes, and he opens his shirt up to a hairy chest and says "he is my father!" it only takes a few minutes before rach tells him on a scale of 1-10 that his chest is a 2.... we ended the night at Hell's Kitchen, a group favourite, and got home preeeetty late searching for Fast Food, but alas - everything was closed.
sadly, this is when we say good bye to stockholm :(
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