ju and i made it to the airport in stockholm! yaaay!
we got up this morning at 5 am ish. got our little red suitcases all ready to go... quick brush of the teeth and we were out the door! not gonna lie it was soooo early and i had a mediocre sleep because i knew there was no way we could miss that train!! because if we did first of all we would have to figure a new route out of kalmar and second we would miss the flight we booked to barcelona! (and us being sooo smart....we sort of booked it and THEN looked at the train schedule....we were starting to get ahead of ourselves! oops) so we 'walked' to the train ... i do say walk because half way through the walk ju took off running.....hahaha. no words just a few steps ahead of me and she started to run with her little red suitcase so i had to follow. i realized how bad of shape i am in and the work im going to have to do when i get back. i had two little oranges for our trip! that was huge...but when i was running i realized one fell out of the bag so i had to go back for my fallen soldier. thats when i looked at the clock and realized we had 25 min to get to the train that was a five min walk there was no way i was going to continue running. what a scam ju pulled making me think we were goign to miss it!well everything worked out! we got on the train that was a three hour ride...and then we switched in a city linköping and then had another three hour ride to the train station... but we got dropped off right here! yaaay! it was a mini scam though when we had to pay 75 SEK to enter the airport! who charges for that!!! bruuutal! but its going good. ju had gulash today for lunch. i think when we went to some random buffet in the airport she felt pressured by the chef. good for her! she eats so much different stuff now!
so we board now in fifteen minutes and we fly out in 45 : ) how exciting. then lets hope we can make it to the hostel we booked. which like i mentioned yesterday is a fourteen room hostel .... we we all get our own "cubicles." today is when julie realized it was a fourteen room hostel (i told her yesterday but i guess she was not paying great attention...she did however find it!)
random information though - i am soooo sick of this guy named jason calvin. he is the previous owner to our wonderful phone number (only allowed to be used by mom and dad) however he is quite popular. he got a phone call yesterday at 1 15 am (which was so nice cause when it went off i thought it was time to get ready for my train ride) and he also has an overdue movie at blockbuster! they so kindly called to remind us. stupid jason calvin! i no longer answer numbers we dont know....beucase they are usually always for jason calvin!!!!
alright talk soon! from barcelona : )
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