We have been back home for a week now. Unfortunately we have both been living at opposite ends of our apartment, so as not to infect / re-infect eachother as we have both been hit with something nasty. Still, with a week on now, we are back to work tomorrow (Anni returned mid week just gone) at something more than 50%.
This last week has been the coldest either of us have ever experienced in the UK. Temperatures dropped to minus 11 degrees and minus 8 degrees locally. A brief period of snow and then just dry and ice. The local ponds, some of them larger than a football pitch froze solid during the week and on venturing out on Saturday, we were faced with a white wonder land and a hoar frost.
Surrey looked as though the white witch had cast her freezing spell and held everything in an embrace of ice and cold. It melted away today as we moved back to the first above zero temperature in a week and now the trees are all dripping in melt water. For the day yesterday, it was just stunningly beautiful.
Back to work tomorrow. Perhaps we will get snow in the next couple of months once again.
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