Well today I fell in love with Melbourne.
I knew it would happen, all the things i've seen and heard about it, it was just a case of waiting for it to happen. It didnt look good on Friday when I went to a seaside suburb called St Kilda, the weather was overcast and windy, it didn't make the place look good. Yesterday I wandered for HOURS around Queen Victoria market (could have done it in an hour, maybe an hour and a half but the girl I was with could out-shop Serena, scary huh?!). Today I caught the tram down to Flinders Street Station (I am even loving the trams now I know my way around them- or at least how to catch the number 57. I love the way they amble up the road and the sound of their bells warning the motorists of their presence). I found the shopping centre and the streets with so many shops on, I picked up a few gifts then got the hell out of there before I could spend any more money! I wandered down to Southbank and looked across the river at the sky scrapers and the skyline, it was beautiful. Just over the river there are a few gardens, then eventually the Botanical Gardens, but I'll come onto them in a minute.
I found the Shrine of Remembrance- an impressive and beautiful building that makes no apologies for being a holy building. It is dedicated to the ANZAC and RAF and Navy troups that fought in World War 1 and 2. ANZAC stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps and all over Australia there are memorials to the memory of soldiers. This one was by far the best museum and memorial I have ever seen since Verdun when I was 14. Inside I wandered around the haunting poetry and prose of fallen soldiers that left me quite humbled. The centre room was magnificent, it instilled a silence in me that made me wonder how many people really understand the importance of teaching children what happened.
Over the road are the Botanical Gardens. If I lived in Melbourne I would go there everyday and spend all day there with a picnic and a book. It is a wonderful place. Because it was a Sunday, young families and couples were everywhere having picnics and playing games. I think it's something the Aussis do very well, from what I've seen they make a big effort to go out and do something with the kids and their friends on a regular basis. The Botanical Gardens even have a children's garden, which was a great idea! I found the herb garden and wandered in. It was a bit like an English Secret Garden, with so many herbs I hadn't heard of- even Pineapple Sage, that smelt EXACTLY like a pineapple. It was great! One thing I did wish as I was walking around, was that I had someone to share it with. I would have loved to sat and chatted with someone I love there, shown them what I've been fortunate enough to see, however, I didn't think mum would appreciate a call at 3am with me telling her excitedly what pineapple sage smells like!! But I guess, this blog is for that purpose. Never mind, in 2 weeks Chey'll be on her way out here and I cant wait!
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