Hey everyone, thanks for the messages you've sent me. The pineapple sage seems to be a hit!
Well since we last spoke, I've been doing bits and bobs and meeting lots of different people, some incredibly interesting, some not so interesting and quite annoying! On WEdnesday night I caught the tram over to Regent Theatre on Collins Street to watch the musical Wicked. It's just opened up here but i'd heard good things about it in England. It was great, very funny, great singing and dancing and costumes (not a patch on the Lion King of course, but I didn't expect it to be). The Theatre reminded me a bit of The Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham- that kind of decor (for those who know it). Very beautiful with big sweeping staircases. I treated myself to a beer and a box of maltesers. The chocolate was rubbish of course, but the beer w as good. The guy who played the Wizard must have been famous becasue when he came on everyone gave him a clap, but i had no idea who he was.
Since I left England I've read 17 books. Yes, that's right 17. And I have counted them as well, so I know exactly how many I've read. I need to slow down! They're quite expensive, and although there are some great 2nd hand shops around, they can be a little pricey too. So I bought myself a Soduku book to stop me reading so much -even though I love reading, to me a book is comforting like a security blanket, but familiar like an old friend, they have been invaluable to me, and i've enjoyed all 17 of them. But anyway, so there I was, sat in the dining area of my hostel, furiously sorting out a puzzle drinking a good cuppa, when a guy came over to me and said i was the first woman he had ever seen doing soduku and he was very impressed (i know, he's easily pleased!) anyway, we got to talking and t he guy was great- I'd hazard a guess at late thirties, from Iran who had come here to learn English. He worked in computers and so it was very important to him that he better his english. Every day he goes into town especially to buy himself a paper- to do the Soduku puzzle and attempt the crossword. He's realised that his englaish will improve with practise and trying to sort out the crosswords. I've never seen someone so committed to improving his language skills. It made me feel quite ignorant that I only speak one language, although like he said 'why would you, you speak English!' He likes to talk just so he can hear more english being spoken. Because he's from Iran, he's never been to a musical I don't think. Trying to explain what it was, was a little tricky 'you have been to a music concert?' he asked, well not quite 'ah, you went to the opera', urm, nope, not that either!
Because I'm in Melbourne for so long, i'm trying to stretch out the things to do so I don't get bored. I have nearly 3 weeks here because i've gone so quick! But i'm enjoying it, it's nice to have somewhere to relax in, in a place that has become familiar. Yesterday I went into town then headed over to meet Jetteke again, we went back to the Chocolate shop we visited on Tuesday. Ok, I can't remember if I told you about it but in case i didn't, it's the most amazing chocolate shop i've ever been to. We had a drink called hot and cold- thick, creamy hot chocolate with a dollop of white chocolate ice-cream in. There are no words to describe. We headed back yesterday evening for the fondue. On a plate we had some pastry, some strawberries, a pot of popcorn, pretzels, and ice cream, with melted, sumptuous, decadent chocolate. Oh wow. It was amazing.
Tomorrow Jetteke has arranged for us to take a tour of some vineyards and do some wine tasting. She gets discount because she works for a hotel or something, so we're heading there. Wine tasting all day, it's a hard life. But tomorrow I have to check out of my hostel because there are no beds free. I can check back in on monday morning, but can't sleep here sunday night. Places are so busy now, even with 5 days notice they couldn't fit me in. So i'm staying at Jetteke's on sunday night then coming back here on monday morning. It's a pain- especially as I have to leave here to get the bus for the day trip at 6.30am, but never mind.
So that's my news for this week, have been to a few art museums which are interesting, going to find more next week and head to the Great Ocean Road and the Grampian mountains for some trekking.
Hope the festivities are getting under way there now! Speak to you all soon
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