Well, its my last night in Melbourne, I've been here for nearly 3 weeks and i've had an amazing time. It has been my favourite place I've visited. People say you either love Melbourne and hate Sydney, or love Sydney and hate Melbourne. Sydney was great, I enjoyed it, it's big and fun and there is so much going on, but there is more- more character, culture, individuality in Melbourne, you just have to find it (although, the too-cool-for-school crowd who try so hard to be different invariably end up looking all the same).
I guess having time to look at a place properly helps, in some ways I feel like a local. The tram is no problem whatsoever, and I don't sit there with my map out looking at each street sign we pass, concerned I'll miss my stop. Instead now I sit listening to music, reading my book, knowing roughly where I have to get off, and I count in 'blocks'. Each part of Melbourne has something new, quirky and exciting that I haven't seen before, there is so much to do. Even the drunks and weirdos (lets face it, there's some in every city) no longer bother me. And i've met some amazing people, people I've wanted to sit and talk to for hours on end... and in some cases I have! The weather keeps things interesting, you have to make sure that you take with you sunglasses, sunscreen, a jumper and an umbrella everywhere you go just in case.
But, all things must come to an end, and I can't wait to get to brisbane, I haven't seen Chey for 93 days exactly, and I can't actually believe I'm going to be at her family's house tomorrow. When I was really homesick and wanting to come home at the start of my trip, this is what kept me going, the thing I aimed for when I needed to, and now it's here it almost doesn't seem real. So the next time I write on here, I'll be looking forward to my next adventure, and hopefully enjoying a relaxing time showing Chey the sights of Brisbane (and the Zoo).
So, I will speak to you soon,and I will put the remaining photos of Melbourne up asap. Thank you for reading once again, and thank you for writing on my message board if you have. Take care, I hope the festive season is fully in swing and keeping you all in good (alcoholic) spirits!
Take care xxxx
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