So I am up in the Caprivi region now, in the northeastern part of Namibia, right on the border with Zambia. The drive up was beautiful, and as we got closer to the north it started getting much greener. This is the greenest part of Namibia due to more rainfall and several rivers, most notable being the Zambezi. This part of Namibia is more of the "real" Africa, the kind of Africa people picture when they think of it. Clusters of huts dot the horizon, we passed by many young boys herding cattle on the way up, and women walk by balancing baskets on their heads and babies on their backs. Ricky and I are staying with Kaitlin, the peace corps volunteer who is working for my boss, Elizabeth, and her housemate Scott. They are both awesome people and Kaitlin and I were immediate friends. She is also from Oregon and the first time we met each other we could tell that we were both from home lol. We have spent this week doing the workshop on women's rights for women from 20 different villages around the region. They have been identified in the past few months as the best candidates in their village to go to this training so that they can go back and teach other women what they learned about their rights this week. It has been an extremely exhausting week, helping with trainings from 8-5 everyday. It has also not been the most organized workshop which has added to my frustration and exhaustion. But I am definitely happy to be up here and am going to stay up here and work with Kaitlin for the rest of my internship. We will travel to different villages to conduct mini workshops with Induna's (traditional leaders), men, and women in the villages. This weekend we are going to Victoria Falls which I'm really stoked about. I hope everything is going well with people at home!
- comments
mom So glad to hear the good news! We've tried to call you again but it's not going through. Have a wonderful time at the Falls this weekend! Love mom and dad
rose Hemmer-Vitti So jealous that your going to Vic Falls. I miss you girl. Let me know when we can talk, I tried to phone you the other day and couldn't get through. My life is feeling like it is getting back to normal after my crazy weekend last week and have lots to catch up with you on. Love you girl!!!!