we arrived in Taman Negara after spending a painful amount of time on a boat then a bus then a taxi. however it was well worth it. taman negara was a small town in the middle of the jungle. on the first day we crossed the river (you had to do this everyday to go into the jungle..a man on a boat took you over) and ventured into the jungle. both quite nervous about what would jump us at first but it wasnt long before we got moving. we ended up just going about 30/40 mins in when we got to the canopy walkway. its apparently one of the highest or longest in the world. it took about half an hour to walk round but was very cool. it was a very skinny bridge suspended up high in the trees. there were also bits where you had to climb ladders, all very cool even if i was crapping myself for some of it (not a fan of hights). you got some great views from up high and it was a bargain at 20p.
the next day we went on a long treck up to the peak of bukit teresek. it took a good few hours to reach the top. it was fairly steep and slippy in parts and the heat was just silly. its so humid in the jungle. you can be walking for 10 mins and already you are soaked in sweat. the views from the top were awsome and well worth the effort of getting up there. even if it did seem like we had just stepped out of the bath. on the way down we decided we wanted to go for a cooling dip in the river that is apparently very popular for doing that. we set of down and followed the path down some steep bits and going down rope....however after about 25 mins we found that the path had been completely blocked of by a huge afllen tree. this ment that we had to crawl all the way up to the top and go down another root (the one we came up) and ended up taking a much longer root. however we eventually got there and it was very nice. the water wasnt the nicest but we appreciated the cooling effect.
next day we went rappid shooting! this was basicaly white water rafting but in a small wooden boat. we went down about seven rapids and got very very was great fun. we then had about an hour to swim and relax in the river and let our clothes dry of for a little. we had an hour because we had been put on a tour with some people who were going to see the jungle tribe people (they said it was awful) and we ended up only being told this when we stopped. it was nice though and we didn't mind. that night we went for a night saffari. as is the norm in asia it wasnt teh best organised as it came about an hour late to pick us up and there ended up being about 20 people on the jeep already. this left Em and me to ride on the roof with the spotter as everyone else refused (mostly old or fat or both). it was pretty cool on the roof and wasn't as scary as it inicially seemed, however we did have to keep knocking leafes out from infront of us that we didnt know if there was a spider or snake attached to. the saffari itself was ok. we saw a few small snakes and a few leapod cats.
on the last day we attempted to go up another mountain that was a bit further away. this turned out to be a complete failure though as the pathdidnt seem to be used at all and ended up turning into nothing the further we went so we ended up turning back after about 2 hours walking as the last thing we needed was to get lost in the jungle on our last day. the walk was really good though as we had to walk through a few small rivers and streams and saw nice little waterfalls and a few snakes (we kept well our of the way of those evil #@%&!). on the way back we ended up going on the canopy walkway again for something to waste some time. some little devil child was on it this time and kept running all over it and not appreciating my fear of hights haha.
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