Arriving on langkawi meant that it was beach time again :) Other than the chilling though, we did manage to get about the island a bit.
On one of the days we rented a car- it was my turn drive! After being told they no longer had the car we'd booked (we were not impressed), we were given the keys to an automatic car. Having only ever driven manual, I was a bit worried about this, especially seeing as it'd been a while since I'd driven but it all turned out ok, even though I have decided I hate automatic cars! First stop of the day was Langkawi cable car which was ridiculously steep, almost vertical in places. There are two stations on the way up, the first one is just an opportunity for some great pictures and the second is the same but also allows access to the suspension bridge. Dean's fear of heights was really put to the test! You could see right across the island and even to Thailand! It was pretty awesome. Next on the cards was the 7 wells waterfall. After a bit of climbing we reached one waterfall which was really pretty and Dean got in for a quick dip. We then headed up to the 7 wells which is like 7 mini waterfalls which are really cool as there are natural slides and so in we got to try this out. It was a bit scary, especially as it looked like you were going to slam in to rocks at some points but by some miracle we made it down safely and without injury. It was great fun though and the water was nice and refreshing. After a good hour or so there we decided to go and check out one of the island's less visited beaches. On the way we stopped in a little roadside restauarant in the middle of nowhere where we had some nasi lemak with chicken curry. Nasi Lemak is a yummy Malaysian dish of coconut rice with slices of cucumber on the side along with anchovies in chilli sauce and some roasted nuts. We then found the beach which had gorgeous powdery sand and clear waters and so chilled there for the rest of the afternoon. We had a drive around the island and then headed back.
The night that Man U played Barcelona we went to the local reggae bar for a few drinks and some shisha before going back to our guest house where all the guys congregated.
Most of time on Langkawi involved lying on the beach so there isn't much more to tell. We got nice tans though but they've gone now! :( Have to get back under the sun again!
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