on arrival in malaka it was heaving. there was a great party atmosphere going with hundreds of people and loads of stalls and fireworks going of everywhere. there was also a big stage with people doin karaoke and brakedancing and stuff. it was great fun!
on our first full day we went out to explore the town. it was a pretty good place with lots of chinese things all around and lots of colour.after a while we came upod a huge pirate ship and decided togo in and have a look. it ended up being just a crappy musium that neither of us was interested in (pirates oooooo) but the air con was nice. later we got some nice ice lollies and sat on the was suprisingly hot there. that night we looked forward to it being as fun as the previous night however we were very dissapointed!! the streets were dead...literally. we could be walking up the main street and be the only ones there. also shops and places to eat just seemed to close at will. it ended up being very boring and also frustrating trying to find a place to eat. this was how the rest of the time panned out in melaka. there isnt really that much to do and any atmosphere is non existant at night. i dont know if we arrived on the last night of a festival or what but after that night it seemed like a completely different place. its very nice and i can see why people might like it but melaka has no atmosphere.
anyway the day after we went to the big viewpoint thing. it was a huge tube with a spinning disk that you sat in and it went really high so you could get good views over the city. it was like a family, slow version of the playstation or whatever its called now. we also went shopping and Em got her hair cut quite short as she was a sweaty mess.
later in the week we went to the cinema and saw terminator (really like i said the night is boring in melaka) and also we went on a night cruise up the river which was cool with all the lights around. we also went on the heritage trail which involved looking round some old buildings. we went up the the top of this big hill to see a castle and also saw an old japanese style mansion.
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