So we are finally Australia!! :-D
The plane journey was okay apart from poor Lauren being sick the whole journey there! Bless her we all had food from the airport- Lauren had a chicken pasty and she said it wasn't very nice at the time. Anyway, waiting to board the plane she just looked at me "Emma I'm going to be sick" I was like no you won't thinking she just felt sick not actually going to be sick! But I was wrong! She was so bad bless her I really did feel sorry for her! :-( on the plane we were all sat together on a row of 4- luckily Lauren was on the end so she could get up whenever she wanted. The food was nice again on the way to Australia but I didn't get as much room as before! I had a stupid woman decline her chair the whole way back meaning I was completely squished! I had to tell her to move it back up at one point as I couldn't eat my meal! Luckily me and Martie had 2 little kids behind us who slept the whole way so we were able to move our chairs back a little! :-)
So landing in Sydney I felt so many emotions- excitement, nerves, worry- but I couldn't believe we were finally here! :-D I wasn't looking forward to the Australian airport as heard they are really really strict with what you bring in to the country! Anyway I went in the queue for the self check in as I've got a new passport and the other queues were massive. Everyone else infront of me seemed to have no problems checking in but of corse when it comes to me I get a message come up that I need to queue somewhere else for questioning. Great! So queued there for a while and finally got seen- I felt so interrogated- "where are you going? Who are you staying with? How long are you here for" Jesus it felt like the Spanish Inquisition! lol! Anyway once all that was done and we were all there it was time to go through the bit where you declare anything such as antibiotics etc. I'd only brought the antibiotics from Thailand and risked not declaring them and I got away with it alright! :-)
Lee's sister Lorna had come to the airport to pick lee up and I was first out. I don't know why but I always find that part really nerve racking when you know someone is waiting for you when you get off the plane! lol. And there she was with a little balloon for lee- so sweet! It was warm and sunny when we landed but I just felt so tired all I wanted to do was sleep!
Once all the others were out we said our goodbyes to lee and us girls went off to our hostel. A taxi only cost $50 from the airport which I didn't think was too bad split between the 3 of us. We arrived at our YHA hostel in bondi and luckily we had a room together, sharing with one other girl. When we got there we went straight to sleep but not for too long as I knew we wouldn't be able to sleep later on!
So our first explore of bondi- we went and had a wonder round the beach- the views were just incredible! Also Christie had mentioned to me before about something called "sculpture by the sea" where there's all weird sculptures around bondi and bronte! That was pretty cool! Then we went for lunch at a really nice little bar opposite bondi beach- it was so lovely to have normal food! I literally couldn't believe the cost of everything though! My salad (which was absolutely massive and lovely by the way!) cost $20! And my wine $8! I suppose this is something we just need to get used to!
After that we had another explore around and back to the hostel. On the evening we went to a bar again near bondi beach which was nice! :-)
On the first night I got really upset though- was finding it hard with the time difference being able to speak to Jamie. Thailand wasn't as bad but Sydney is 11 hours ahead of home so harder to talk. I did have a good cry after coming off the phone to him- I've never missed anyone so much in my entire life :'(
The next morning came around so quick and it was time for Martie and Lauren to move onto their next hostel and me to finally go to Christies! I felt so poorly that morning though with tummy pains and almost fainted at one point in the shower- not sure whether it was because I was hot during the night though! So when I said goodbye to Martie and Lauren I almost cried- I knew they wernt far away but travelling with them every day has made us all become so close and it's true that they are my family now! :-)
So I got a taxi to Christies and was so excited but again nervous and I have no idea why! Hehe! When I saw her I was so happy! Being with family is so comforting when you're home sick! So once I'd had a drink and a catch up we decided to get our nails done- Christie was getting hers done anyway and she said do I want mine done- I've only ever had my nails done once before and that was for mels wedding so thought I'd treat myself! It was so lovely being pampered and after how groggy my nails were in Thailand it was nice to get them done! After that we went for lunch in bronte near the beach. We had a baguette and a salad split between us- it doesn't sound like a lot bit it was absolutely gorgeous! And the portions over here are so massive! :-)
On the evening Christie and I went to a local bar near them and had pizza and wedges and a few drinks! Was a pretty cool place- really busy and my first night out in Australia! Gary was out so he didn't come but he came back having had a few which was funny! Haha!
Christie and Gary have hired a car for the weekend so shall write more then! Missing everyone at home!!! Xxxxxxx
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