We are qualified Scuba divers!!!! WOOOOOO!
Today was our final day of training and we had to complete two more dives, it was a great day even though we had to get up at half 5 in the morn! We made it though and headed down for some breakfast. We were going to be doing our deepest dive yet whilst... being filmed! No pressure to do right then!! :S
We grabbed our kit and headed down to the boat which took us to our first dive site, Chumpon Pinnacle, which was beautiful! We didnt have to do any skills on this dive (YAY!) so we just swam around the coral and looked at fish! We saw many as the coral was full of fish, we found Nemo!!! and a couple others from the film which made me quite excited! aha We had to come up after what seemed a short time due to our air, but couldnt wait to get back down!
On the boat whilst going to the next site, someone shoutd whale!!, after a quick run to the front of the boat the shout was confirmed!! There were a school of false killer whales surfacing up ahead! It was incredible to see and we tried to take some photos but may have failed aha After the excitement of that we headed down and got kitted up ready for the next dive, which was at Twins; so called becuase of the coral (think twin towers but coral!)
We had to o a mask removal on this dive which isnt fun but neccessary, and then we got to play around and fight underwater and pose like Buddha! All very fun and make a good dvd! WE swam bit more then and saw many more fish and even an eel, but again had to surface sooner than we wanted!! Our trip out was amazing but meant the end so it was kinda sad too.
WE hd the afternoon off which was just what we needed! Some rest and relaxation and a sleep! In the eve we got given our cards and dive logs which was nice and als we watched the dvd which was very funny! Beer pong was being played in the bar but we skipped out as sean is feeling unwell, we thinks its a bit of sea sickness as he keeps swaying :( Other than that all is well and we have loved diving!
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