I took my P4 class outside for Reading. Who wants to be stuck in the classroom when you read in the shade of the tall trees? :) We were reading a poem at Meat Pies and usually I correct them about pronouncing words wrong but I couldn't help myself when they were shouting aloud "Meaty Peas, Meaty Peas, Hot tasty Meaty Peas" I much prefered their version!
There are moments like these they only myself can capture, but this week has been great. I've been on such a high.
Friday morning Vic and me take P3 and P4 for PE usually in the school compound, but the field next to the Secondary School was free, so we all ran down before it was occupied.
We split off into 2 teams and played relay, although they call it Lily, as the can't pronouce the 'r' at the beginning. Anyway, Madam Samalie and Madam Carol came and joined it too, with me running against Madam Carol. She is a big lady but boy she can run! It was neck and neck the whole time, eveyone was cheering and even students from the Secondary School came out to cheer - It's not everyday they see a Mzungu and Ugandan running up a muddy field. And muddy it was, we had the bathe in the school well after :)
We played Rat and Cat, a chasing game within a circle and first person to get the ball. We all felt brilliant after.
Since the headmasters started the school are really getting into the sport properly and you can tell, it's bringing the teachers closer (everyone did get on well but there seemed to be a divide between Upper and Lower Class teachers) Madam Carol and Samalie were telling the other teachers how fast I was at running, how muddy it was and everyone was buzzing, even those who didn't take part but from hearing the stories. It was the simpliest of situations but having the chance to play a little activity outside really made everyone alot happier.
Also on Friday I was supposed to of been doing football training with the older boys but the Secondary School were using the field. So we divided up the compound as best as we could, with P5 and P6 class playing against eachother and P4, P3 and P2 all mixed up playing football too. The girls put up the wooden netball posts and marked out the pitch with charcoal ash and Madam Samalie helped them with netball.
It didn't need to structured, the children were so happy running around after the ball, laughing and even fighting under the evening sun. I managed to get the school 2 footballs and a netball and that's all they need. They were just content to actually get the chance to be playing on a Friday instead of cleaning.
Vic and me celebrated Easter on Wednesday, yes a little late but we haven't had a chance.
So chocolate and tea was on the menu and we actually got a little giddy from all the sugar :) Plus the good tunes from the radio, Abba, Madonna, all old school, loved it :)
We are going Stevens confirmation ceremony tomorrow at St Augustines church. He was so excited to hear we were going to see him :)
Madam Jane has gone today with Regan, so we are getting Carol from school tomorrow morning and then heading to the church for 9am. I'm not sure if little Carol has been on a boda before, hope she has? :)
Talking of Madam Jane. She really hasn't been very well at the moment nor Regan. It's really not nice to see someone just sit there in a daze, not speaking. It's not our Jane! I gave her some tablets and hopefully they'll work. But what can we do and that's the worse thing, what can we do?!
I really, really hope they'll both be better soon!!
Lots of Love x x x
P.S. I'm sat in the internet cafe eith the biggest rip in the crotch of my trousers. Very embarrising walking through town! I'm off to get some safety pins, hopefully save some dignity :)
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