What're you up to? When are you on the move again? We had a good weekend in London...I took Pete to The Globe for a cultural afternoon...spent Sunday at Notting Hill but no sign of Hugh Grant! Having BBQ tomorrow, your dad is having Dylan for us otherwise there would be no food.
Take care both,
Sue x
Hi ya,
It was lovely to hear your voice this morning even if you did wake me up.
Will send a email with places to visit in Hong Kong.
Drive carefully when you get the car.
Lots of love Bev xxx
(must start working on the banner)
Emily... don't worry I've been away and am now back safely. Glad your final weeks are going so well. I'm sure the moment you get home you'll be wanting to go off again.
Good work on the long walks although I'm sorry to hear about the bending problems. I can see how that could cause a problem!! You should def get a tatoo after the next adrenalin rushed moment. If you get a picture of me from facebook you could ask if they could tatoo my face for you.
todays maths trivia 1+1. If you get this note my maths is improving!
Catch up soon!!
Have just started my 6 weeks holidays and enjoying the sun and laying in bed in a morning (when Pete allows me)! Rest assurred your dad has calmed down since he heard about the hand gliding...enjoy the rest of your time - we look forward to hearing all your news when you get home.
Take care both of you...Sue x
Melanie Bushell
Hi little cousin, sounds like you are still having an amazing time, quite impressed with the thought of tattoo - did you get it in the end? The Bushells are all well, Chloe STILL not walking but cute as a button so we'll forgive her!
Look forward to seeing both of you on return Loads of love Mel xxxx
Hi ya ems, Sorry its been so long but Emma has been keeping me updated.
The hand gliding sounded fantastic, you are so brave. So its time to move on tomorrow, keep having a great time and enjoy every minute these next couple of weeks will fly past i'm sure. Keep warm and well and look forward to seeing you at the airport.
Lots of love xxxxxxxx
Hi Em
Lovely to hear you are still having such a great time! Unfortunately I have read about the Hang Gliding before you have done it, so I have immediately upped my medication! A text on landing would be appreciated. If you decide to take up John's request, negotiate hard on the fee!!!!
Lots of love Dad xxx
John Ward
Will you be the stripper at my stag do?
Hi Em,
Just a quick note to let you know we are still reading your updates and thinking about you.
Glad to hear Austrailia went well and now I am super jealous you are in NZ. I will look forward to hearing all about it over Nandos during my August visit.
PS - We don't have a NZ Starbuck mug......yet ; )
Take care and know that we all miss you.
Bram and Heidi
Sue Andrews
...by the way, what's wrong with Bill Grainger? he's really good (I didoriginally think he was gay, but he often has his kids on TV so I guess not!)
Sue x x
Sue Andrews
Hi Ems,
Hope you're enjoying NZ although I'm told it's cold there at this time of year. Not much happening here although I'm counting down the lessons now to the end of term. Just 4 sleeps and it will be six weeks off..... Tim and Katie seem to be enjoying their time in US - keep up to date on Facebook.
Take Care,
Sue x
Hi Ems, hope all is well, another weekend gone so wondering if you have any Sunday stories for us !!! Craig and Sarah safely returned to Suffolk. Brass Imapct performed at Heckmondwike, probably could have registered as a H & S Environmental / Health Risk.......... surprised you didn't hear us in NZ !!! Very small hall - very big sound !!! Saw Delyth in Park yesterday, she told me the news !! Lots of arranging and planning now underway and she is relying on you to be organising the hen events this end!! Well, hope to hear from you again soon, we are dying to know what amazing things you have been up to since arriving in Christchurch ? Take care. Love you and miss you. Mum xxxx