back from poland. i speak you didnt know that!
just reading through some of your backlog of posts- havent been able to keep up with them all, i think you are quite a frequent poster! anyway just because you are doing an adventure and england isn't know for its adventure i resent the implication here that life is boring. only this morning the bus didn't turn up so i had to run How's that for excitement!
oh and what were you no universe is ipswich exciting, let alone just another country.
speaking of which I'm trying to find a London flat atm- its much more work than i like. however i do get to snoop round lots of houses- which i do like
love you and miss your smelly face
Everything sounds good Em, Delyth's a bit bitter about who you miss the most, she keeps going on ans on and..., but she'll get over it!
I hope you saluted the former general when you met her. Good army celeb points for you.
Keep enjoying yourself! you'll miss it when you're back here and you have to spend your time looking at Hayley, Delyth, Kim and Bryony etc... hehe... Good to hear from you!
P.s. I keep leaving messages because everytime you leave one you get a maths question. It's really improving my numeracy skills.
Liking the new update and photos on facebook. Seems like you are still having a great time.... and well done for being holy again, even if it wasn't as good an experience as last time!!!!
Was lovely to talk to you the other week, and to here all your stories first hand.I know you don't miss David more than me... you just didn't want him to feel bad!!!
Keep the reports coming, it keeps me entertained! Not long and you'll be home. Especially as I go away for 10 days, and to me that time doesn't count. So in my head, it is just over 4 weeks.
Continue to enjoy yourself and take care
Delyth xxx
Hayley H
I think your parents really will be chastising you this time - no update for 6 WHOLE DAYS!! That must be a record for you. I'm not thinking it's because there's nothing to tell, more that you've probably just so busy with everything you have planned. Saw some pictures on Facebook the other day; the places you have been have been just beautiful (although I'm sorry Ipswich wasn't so great :( ).
Sorry I didn't get chance to talk when you called the other night before you got cut off. Really, the reason you lost connection is that David was just so emotional, he couldn't handle it, he had to hang up. He cried for hours, poor soul. He's been a wreck since you left - I mean, does impregnating hippos sound like his usual behaviour?? I'm sure he'll keep you updated of his other animal exploits (probably the wrong choice of word there...) in the near future.
Hope you're still having a wonderful time - surely you're half way through now?
Lots of love and take care x
Hi Ems, another week has disappeared and I guess your week has been much more exciting than ours !! Hope you have got used to the cold nights and are keeping warm. You will be getting nearer to Melbourne now and have been enjoying the amazing coast run down there. Was lovely to see your photos on facebook and see how well you look. Look forward to hearing from you again soon. Love to Emma and take care both of you. Love you
Mum xx
Hi Emily
Sitting round your house with Angela putting the world to rights. Age seems to have made your dad dillusional - he thinks he is Mr Darcy! I suggested Mr Collins might be more appropriate!! lol
Took Tim and Katy to airport today. He will keep in touch on Facebook. Seems our family is spread all over the world.
Take care
Sue xx
Hey, really good to hear from you last night. Glad to hear you are having fun and seeing lots of "Big Things"!
Would just like to add to David's post that yes, he did beat us at shanghai but he didn't do so well with poker. I believe he lost everything, was given more, and then lost all that again.
You know I am a not at all competitive so just wanted to clear that up!
hi sweetie, havent read this in a while. since i last posted ive been whisked to paris, stayed in a fancy london hotel and been to afternoon tea at the ritz. Ooh and im going to poland on wed. Oh and i saw the Queen at epsom derby day.
but that's all my news. im going to look at your pics next- but thought id do that after i posted so i wasn't tempted to be too sarky. :D
I had you leaving date in my diary, but not your comong home one- when would that be???
Sounds like you're havin an amzing time..... trying not to be jealous, mainly succeeding. (its only the vast quantities of suncream that puts me off)
love u
Yeah, def good to see some snaps Em. John's correct though you are unappropriately dressed for the temperatures out there. It's not that I want to see bikini pics I'm simply worried about your health!!!!
Since last time I left a message I have smashed Kim and Phill at Shanghai, eaten at least 5 nandos and inpregnated a hippo.
I have also got very angry with E4 for stopping all scrubs episodes to show a group of idiots on Big Brother 24/7. You are definately traveling at the best time.
O yeah, I've also tried to persuade Delyth to wear a grass skirt at Northern Highlights tonight. I'll let you know if she does!
Ms Pilpopper,
How are you? I have been chastised this morning, by Delyth, for not posting on your blog because 'everyone else has'. It is quite difficult to explain to your girlfriend that you have such a deep mental connection with another girl, that sharing our thoughts via a mere blog are meaningless! I know you feel it too Emily, don't fight it...embrace it!
Anyway, no need for me to ask you if you are having a good time. 3 months in the sunshine of Sinagpore, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand...frankly, if you are not having a good time, I will beat you on your return.
Things well over here, apart from my hayfever, which is at its stuffiest this morning and work....which I would happily trade for a life on the state, just need to get a limp....
Right, off now....have a splendid time in Queensland...
P.S Me and David are enjoying your pictures...more bikini shots please
Hi em! Its been lovely reading your blog, sounds like your having a fab time!im so jealous!! I also want to say a huge apology for not texting you on your birthday, i hope you had a fantastic time (your in Australia-why wouldnt u!lol) I will make it up to you when you get back :) Love you loads, cnt wait to have you back for some girly times!! x x x x x
Auntie Bev
HI ya Ems,
So glad Emma did'nt let me down on your birthday, sounds like you had fun.
Your updates are much longer than Emmas I'm impressed,
Hope your bites are better now, are you both still losing weight?
Missing you both loads, keep having a good time and keep safe.