Emily, to keep you updated Diversity have won Britain's Got Talent. The best entertainment was the 11 year old girl crying her eyes out. O... and Hayley got a spray tan to fit in with the locals at xcape.
Glad you got to have some Ausie bbq fun!
Sounds like everything is going really well! I am very impressed that you not only found but also went to the army! You can always count on the army to give you a free meal and bed to sleep in for the night. Apart from when me and JOhn went to the army in New York, sat behind all the officers, and no-one talked to us!!! Oh well, you must be much more approachable than us.
Hope the van driving is going well and you haven't had too many near misses. You would be better me anyway...I struggle to park my little picanto. Loving the weather...but sure it is nothing compared to yours.
Continue to keep us updated...I always check for the latest postings. Take care.
PS No job... this lades who lunch thing is looking very promising!
Just had a look at the photos on Emma's Facebook - they're great! It sounds like you're having fun and meeting lots of new people! Hope you don't get too many more bites...you won't be able to count them all?????
Hopefully you are making good progress in the van, keeping it all tidy etc...not!
The sunny weather is back with us again this weekend so we're making the most of it. Pete and I are still dithering about the worth of buying a new barbeque...this wouldn't be a problem in Oz would it?
Anyway, take care both of you. x
SEX CHANGE?! Emily, the truth is Delyth has hit the drugs and Kim had a boob job, she can't stand up straight anymore.
Playing dot-to-dot with the bites is good fun. See if you can draw some pictures.
Caravan adventures sound really good. I thing you'll come back a hippy! Glad everything's going well.
Emily T
Hey Flower, I am so enjoying logging in and reading ur lastest blog! I am so happy ur enjoying urself,but dont envy ur bites ouch! makes me feel like our lives here are pretty dull but i feel like im there with ya, just take care of yourself. love ya xxxx
Hey there,
I'm wondering if you actually counted all of the bug bites. Do you do a daily count? Can you let us know when you it the century mark?
Sounds like you are having a fab time. You are not missing anything, other then we missed you at our bank holiday bbq.
Can't believe you've been away for almost a month. Time is flying.
Take care of yourself and remember, don't except candy from strangers.
Hayley H
Bruce Highway!!! Hahahaahaa!! Brilliant!! It must be worth all those odd experiences so far just to experience getting to such a culturally stereotypical named highway as that!
Hayley H
HEY!! Oz at last! :) Have your camper van adventures started yet? Oh man, out of all you have planned, that's what I envy the most!
Well, I've just got back from a school residential in North Wales - it was actually pretty cool. The weather was beautiful, bright blue sky and the greenest green landscape I've ever seen. It was fun, despite getting attacked by a very heavy wind-surf board, getting sunburnt nose, ankles and hands (yes, only hands, because of my longsleeved wetsuit) and shivering for 3 days solid because the sea was just so cold! Highlights did include pulling an instructor or two, being the best kayaker and canoeist (oh yes - Mr Kayak taught me advanced skills 'cos he said I was so good... hehe), the scenery of course, and partaking of the marvellous food.
Yesterday we had a lovely barbeque at the Roberts' house, and although the barbeque element was prematurely ended by the rain, it didn't stop a lovely water fight I had with Bailey. From the state of my clothes, I don't think I won though... Just before the rain, she was trying to feed Ben leaves and water from the paddling pool. Obviously, he wasn't eating them (he hasn't gone completely psycho as yet) but was just throwing them over his shoulder, including the water too, her giggling along. Thing is, we couldn't figure out if Bailey thought he WAS eating and drinking them, or if she was humouring him....
Today, my life is just beyond exciting - I've slept til 11, read some news stories, ate Shredded Wheat and ordered a new E111 card thingy online. WOOOO!!! Soon, the report starting will begin, then Summer's in sight! Yey! :)
Really enjoying reading your blogs - glad you've managed to make some friends, hehe! How could anyone resist your British charm?! Keep having a wonderful time and take care.
PS. Thank you for your Facebook msg the other week - it meant a lot. xx
Hi, brilliant up date Ems, we are all really enjoying your journals........or should I say essays !! Am sure Aunty Sue would be impressed with your descriptive logs ! Am looking forward to hearing even more about your interesting new friends !! Just for one day we thought summer had arrived here but the rain has returned today. It's been Bank Holiday Monday so shouldn't expect anything else ! Looking forward to hearing which one of you has become the most skilled in parking the motor home !! Hope you are both well, stay safe and take care. Lots of love , mum xx
Hi Emily. Thanks for taking the time to keep us updated on your adventures. Ayers Rock sounds just amazing. Glad everything is going without a hitch. The next part of your journey in the camper van should provide a few tales!
Just remember, in Australia, 2nd left can mean 250 miles away!
God bless, Juliet x
Melanie Bushell
Hey lil Cuz!!
Sounds like you are having fab time - rather you than me with the camping though! We are all fine, off to Turkey on Thursday (28th) so really looking forward to that (travellers just like you only we do it 4* all inclusive!)
Take care Love Mel & all xx
Hi Emily!
Glad to hear you are having a good time! I'm loving reading your blog, it cheers me up on stressful rainy days! Keep us informed and lets see some photos! I want to see all your adventures! As Delyth said, apard from David's sex change not much has happened.