Sorry I've not ben in touch for a while, was waiting to hear from you at work! How is everything? How's NZ? Have you been to any Lord of the Rings places yet? Make sure you go to see something at a local cinema....when we went it was just loads of mismatched old sofas in big room, with beer and ice cream!
We've get the kitten now. We settled on Rudy. He's very very cute but has soooooooo much energy. Lucky it comes in 20 minute bursts and then he sleeps again. He sleeps for about 18 hours a day. That's the life!
Where's next? When are you back?
Love Jen x
Hi Em, hope you are enjoying NZ, you have been there almost a week now. We are looking forward as always to hearing about the events. Guess you will be feling the cold..... it's typical summer here now.....rain, storms,some sun and then more rain !!
Craig and Sarah's 1st Wedding Anniversary today, how that year has flown by ? Well hope you are both feeling well and enjoying the new experiences in NZ. Take care and we will be seeing you very soon.
Love you lots
Mum xxxx
Hi Em
Now your in New Zealand, if you come across any rugby fans, tell them the hacker is a ridiculous dance which makes grown men look very silly.
Hope you're ok & will speak to you soon
Love Craig & Sarah
Pete A
Hi both, sorry not been on for a while.
You seem to have made the best of Syney, seen a bit of culture! Some great pictures, we have had the odd thunderstorm over here !!
There is a place where you can bunji jump over a large gorge, but dout you will be doing that in New Zealand. something I've always fancied. Anyway I'm sure you will have as a time there as you have everywhere else.
Enjoy your time there and look forward to hearing more from you.
All our love Pete and Sue xxx
Hayley H
Just wondering how many times David could possibly write on your blog, though I think, with the comment about passing on his details to your 'aussie hottie' friends, it seems to have slipped his mind that I, too, read it. Bless.
It does give me great pleasure to clarify that David is indeed incredibly burnt. He was peeling like you'd pull wallpaper off yesterday.... nice!!!
Ahhhhh, New Zealand - now's where I will get the most jealous. Not like I've ever been, but still very, very appealing.
Looking forward to hearing more from you. Carry on taking care and having lots of fun.
Sounds like you are having a really great time, and New Zealand sounds very exciting!!! I am very jealous of you exciting adventures, but also looking forward to having you home.
Don't worry about the weather, it has turned bad for the last coupke of days with a lot of rain!!! I'm sure it will stay like this for most of the summer!
Glad Australia was as good as it sounds. Seen a few more pictures and it all looks amazing.
I won't mention the extremely hot weather here as I am uncomfortably burnt now after falling asleep in the garden! Not Good!!!
Enjoy your time with the elves, dwarves and hobbits.
Hi Ems, hope you are enjoying the amazing city of Sydney ? We are looking forward to hearing what you have been getting up to and which famous people you might have met !!!! Won't rub it in but clearly we are feeling the heat over here more than you will be . Are you checking out Sydney Congress Hall before you head for NZ, just take care and stay well and safe.
Love you and miss you lots
Mum xxx
Hey Ems, So glad you girls are still having a great time - bet Sydney is amazing, and you have recovered from saying goodbye to your car!! We're missing you lots, seems very quiet at your house without you!! Loving reading all about your trip though and pictures look lovely. Take care chick.xxxx
The new Mr and Mrs ward....hehe....thats me!
Emily T
Hi Flower! So pleased your having a wicked time, miss ya but am still enjoying reading your blogs. all fine here, toby will officially be a big boy wednesday as he turns the big 4! So jealous of you going to the neighbours set! Had a lovely time with ya dad and angela at my parents chalet on his birthday and had a nice slice of cake! love ya loads and take care xxxxx
You chose a good night for the pub quiz. Can you pass my details on to Elle and Libby! They are ausie hotties! O... but don't tell Hayley.
Sorry you had to say goodbye to the caravan, you'll have to join some camping group when you get back. They all drive in convoy in campervans!
I have no idea how long you've been gone for now by the way! I think I would have picked up an accent by now.