Hi to al
Thanks for all your very speedy replies to my first blog!! I would like to apologise for the spelling mistakes pointed out o me. The font comes out on my screen at about size 8 so have no idea what have written to correct it!! :)
We have now arrived in Ko Samui and are staying in a little bungalow place. It's prety basic but no huge bugs and can walk from it onto the beach which is great.
Have had the most bizzarre journey of my life to get here starting with a 12 hour train jounry from Bangkok last night. At one point I thought Emma was going to leg it and leave me sitting in the staion on my own but seen as the other alternative was going back to Bangkok I was the lesser of two evils :)
Within about 2 hours, after some serious moments of freaking out in our little carriage with a big fan above our head and many thai people staring at us (when you see my face on the pictures you will fully appreciate my fear) we were actualy converted to the idea of sleeper trains. The two seats converted into bunk beds with little curtains to pul over and we saw some amzing cpuntryside, as well as many shanty towns which are really quite heartbreaaking to drive past!
Arrive athis morning and were bustled into a coach for about an hour then on to a ferry where for the first time we were actualyl surrounded by back packers - many of which had obviously been here a l;ot longer and had complete;y given up on personal hygiene (I am now almost at that point, it is just too hot here to care and it's 7pm at night!)
The taxi from the ferry was actualy an open truck thaT people just hopped on and off so really safe, but for a pund who can complain!
We're now off to a bq and live music night the resort is puting on to try and meet some strangers!!
Will keep you all updates
Much love
Em xx
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