Ok guys, I have tried this 3 times now so if this doesn’t work I may scream!!! It is also indecently long so please do not feel obliged to read it (although you would then be missing my words of wisdom )
We thought we would make use of the free internet access here to quickly update you all on what we have been up to before we forget it all… although it has been less relaxing than I though it would be as apparently we get timed out every 10 minutes!!
Arrived in Bangkok easily enough, although 12 hour place on economy flight never really recommended – leg cramp and very suspicious looking braised steak (have to admit I drew the line at the “omelette” we are offered for breakfast and I eat anything I can get my hands on!)
Hotel lovely, and we have amazing views of the river from the 19th floor – think it is going to be a shock when we have to hit reality and our true wealth is revealed!!
Turns out however that however nice the hotel, and however cure the concierge, sometimes when they tell you to go out of the hotel and turn right you can still find yourself in death valley, swiftly being shooed back by small thai women until you cower in your room and order room service instead!!
After several deep breaths we braved the world again this morning and got on a long boat up the river to the main bit of the city to see the Grand Palace.
There we were greeted by my “sign of the day” stating that we should beware of “wily strangers”. Unfortunatelym, 10 minutes later we were caught by a wily stranger kindly informing us that the palace was closed and we should go on a tour in a tuk tuk instead – he seemed to know the guy driving the tuk tuk which I thought was a lovely coincence and could surely only be fate leading us on this journey. Fortunately some suspicious Americans quickly came and saved the day!! (Now my 2nd favourit Americans)
The grand palace was absolutely beautiful, but seriously hot as we have not seen any of this rain we kept hearing about and it is about 34 degrees most of the time!!
We managed to hit Bangkok on a buddhist festival and, as we were informed by our first friendly stranger, all thai people had been instructed via the medium of Tv to make all toursist feel welcome at the festival… we therefore met many freidnyl stanger along the way who wanted to walk us around various parts of the city whilst telling us that England is cold but we sure can play football. This would have been fine had this not lead on to a list of any team or players they knew and the inevitable yet dreaded question…..”which team do you support?” Not wishin to crush the impression that we all lived and breathed for the beautiful game I kept quiet and let Emma answer. Bizzarrely she often went for West Ham??!
We braved the tuk tuk and made our way back here and have just been for a meal at a lovely thai restaurant (know here simply as restaurant) to watch some dancing.
Final favourite moment of the day has to be the boat that sailed past with many thai people having a disco and karaoke session to achey breaky heart!!
Anyway, Emma is starting to look like she wants to go for a drink… hope to hear from you all soon as missing you guys lots.
Much love xx
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