Another early morning, Emelie probably thinks that this isn't a vacation... Haha! We boarded the boat at 8am that took us to Suratthani. The sea was calm so nobody threw up this time, but we'd taken some sea sickness pills just to be on the safe side. Around 9.30 we arrived at Suratthani where we changed to a bus that would go straight to Krabi. We arrived in Krabi around 12 a clock but we were apparently on the outskirts so we had to find a way to get in to town. It was hard because people kept telling us that you should live here and there and it was all very confusing. We booked a hotel in the town and waited for the cab to pick us up. While we waited Emelie entertained us by sitting down on an invisible chair, she accidentally knocked it over with her backpack. It was funny!
Krabi is a cosy town but their isn't much to see. We have walked by the river, seen a nice park and tried Thai American food. KFC and Dunkin' donouts. It was Emelie's first and last KFC, she went in to a food-coma so we had to return to our room so she could sleep it off. We booked a day trip to Koh Phi Phi island tomorrow, it's gonna be really nice! Emelies gonna eat her vacuum packed, dry frozen, space ice cream her dear friends Helena and Frida gave her before the trip, yummy!
- comments
yvette hi chuck, spoke to wes today, he is going to chat to stars 2moz, he said he didn`t get ur texts before...and cant understand why not...anyway glad to see ur still laughing at other misfortunes, like ur mum laffing at aunty jules crashing thru the chair at marie and rogers house. sounds like ur having a fab time. jealous!!
Helena Yey! Bild på glassätandet sen ;)
Mormor Hej! Läste just Wikitravels art. om Kuala Lumpur. Mycket för er att uppleva. Starhill Gallery KL har en "liten Vuittonshop" med Gucci o d. Vilket palats, jösses! - Annat: t ex oartigt att äta, offentligt, med vänster hand! Bara så ni vet. Nåväl, Lycka till ! Kram