29th of august to the 2nd september
ok arrived in granada at around 8am after a pretty good night sleep on the train, not so scared about taking the train anymore. then having some crappy directions to some hostel in my hand, i battled them, caught a bus into town and then climbed this massive mountain with my backpack and then more staires and then more mountain. what a workout to do earlly in the morning. arrived at this hostel that was pretty much out in the sticks but oh my god it had the most amazing view of granada. the best city view i have seen yet. definaly breathtaking. and after being able to catch my breath could soak in the sceney even more. met some new fellow travellers that caught the same train and climbed the same mountain as myself. has a morning cup of tea and then walked down the mountain then up anothe on e to go to the Alahmbra. a massive middle eastern castle that was built like thoustands of years ago. the deatail and the buildings were like nothing i have ever seen before. it was so cool.words cannot even descibe how beautiful it was.. even the gardens sourrounding the castle were perfect and stunning. another awsome view of granada cityand then it was definatly nap time.
for the next couple of days, they consisted of drinking sangria and every bar when you order a drink, you recieve free tapas. and you never know what they bring out next so you always have to get one more drink. cheese on bread, paella, octopus, calamari, puchuto on toast, everything that you can imagine, it was like a surprise everytime you order a drink. the same group of people were there for the same amount of time that i was there so it was great spending 5 nights in once place getitng to know people past the whole how long you travelling and where have you been questions. up further up the mountain there are caves where people live for free, no electicity and no pluming, makes for a really simple life and they are reseved for squatters. if you want to live in one of these you have to waiit for someone to hand one over. amazing little huts that are built into the side of the mountain. awsome stinky experience. but at the same time have the best view of granada of even any little town i have ever seen. best sunset in the world i have seen so far and it wasnt over any water. perth sunsets have definatly got a fair competition.
2nd september.
today was a last minute decision to go with a group of aussies i had just met, to go to a hippie community called benefisio. about an hour south of ganada. it was a killer to get to because of the face that we took the wrong turn andd walked up a mountain instead of walking around the mountain. ahaha i can definatly laugh about it now, but i was not laughin at the time, was not funny. at least we left our massive backpacks in storage. this hippie village was full of naked people with their simple little shacks made out of what we call rubbish and washing their clothes in the local stream. yes i think the whole of the community were pretty much stonned and high the entire time and the community opened their arms and greated us so we sat down and made some silly music together with bongos, sticks, rocks and a guitar. what an amazing experience. definatly somehting i have never even thought existed. surpisingly more kids then i expected, not knowing if they live ther perminatly or they are just here to visit. hopefully they dont live there because those kids will for sure be uneducated and removed from the outside world. but i giuess thats another debate we can get into. it was freeeeeeeezing that night so dam cold so i slept in a massive tyer that sheilded me from the wind. cheap accomadation ahahahah the next morning made our way back to granada then to algerceris then to taifa
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