Well its been a few days since we have written, we left mission beach on the 12th and made our way to townsville, where we got a ferry over to magnetic island. We didnt arrive till 6 in the evening so our bus driver sorted our accomodation out at base backpackers, which was in really nice location. the kitchen facilities and things wheren't that good though so we mainly just ate from there restraunt bit.
The night we arrived we got an early night as it had been a long day after the skydive in the morning and the journey to the island. The next day though we spent the day on the beach which was good topping up our tans lol, we also went kayaking and found a more secluded bit of beach so latter when we took the kayake back in we tried to climb over the rocks to it but got stuck at a point we couldnt get over so made our way back. We then got harrased by load of men dressed as pirated and one of them decided to come over and ask to take a picture of me so kev told him to get lost.
We then decided to get off the beach and took a bus to the forts walk where we could see the old guns and stuff from the war and wild koalas. When we first got off the bus and started the walk we couldnt see any for a while but the veiws where amazing, and then someone spotted one in a tree so i took loads of pics of it lol, It was probably blind after we had all finished. We then carried on the walk and went up to the lookout towers and stuff and the sun was setting so that was nice.
We then made our way back down to catch the bus and saw the koala again and another two as well, so i took more photos lol. We never got back till about 7 so we grabbed some dinner and sat and talked and played pool with jack, jonathon and tom from our room and this other girl we met. I beat jonathon and the other girl lol so that was good i lost to kev tho lol.
So yesterday we got up in the morning and packed all our stuff, we made our way back to townsville on the ferry and got the oz bus with tom and jonathon to airlie beach where we currently are now. We got here about 5ish last night, were staying a place called beachs which is the best hostel so far, we got our own toilet in our shared room and a telly. Last night we went to our hostels bar and got some free drinks from our oz experience driver who explained to us about the whitsundays and fraser island packages so we booked them this morning. Were doing a day round the whitsundays tommorow, which is on a speed boat which takes you round some of the 74 islands, and our fraser island is open dated so we can just do it when we get there we also got two free night in rainbow beach where we get it from. fraser is the biggest sand island in the world and you do a 4x4 drive round it and camp and stuff, you do it for 3 days 2 nights. So that will be fun.
Today we just went to the lagoon they have here, a bit like the one in cairns and weve jus had some lunch and we got some free internet vouchers so thought we'd write our blog as we were baking in the sun. Miss everyone loads at home, glad becky and james had a gd time away. bet the room will look lovely when its all done. The work must be picking up at home then if dad had to work all night lol. Yup im going to do my bunjee in new zealand if i can get myself off the ledge lol. Im going to try and do a tandem one lol so the person im attached to can jump for me lol. Im going to try and put all our pics on tonight cus we havent put any on in ages. Kev says hes thinking of doing a skydive lol hes not sure tho, hes definitly not doing the bunjee tho lol. Anyway misses evryone at home loads we will ring u latter mum as kevs phone isnt letting anyone ring us now . love you lots and lots miss you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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