Well the last two days have been so fun. Starting from Yesterday we got up early and went to tully to white water raft on the tully river. It wasnt until today we got told they loose 5 people a year on it :-s. But we had a great time it was so amazing, we started the morning do a few little rapids, grade 2/3 and we done grade 4. We also done rock jumping whch was fun, flipped our boat and i nearly got taken down stream lol whilst kev and the rest were on the shore. I didnt really like the boat flipping as me and kev got stuck under it for a little while but we got out eventually lol. We also had a little swim where kev hit a rock lol. We then stopped for lunch, which was much more to kevs liking thn thailand as they had burgers lol so he went up for seconds.
The afternoon was a lot better the rapids where mostly garde 3/4 so much more fun, we managed to stay in our boat lol up until the point when we got to do another rock jump and swim in the rapids which was so good, you float down a little while and all of the sudden the current drags you and its so fast, me and the other girl (chantelle) in our boat went flying past kev as the current took us, if we didnt have our life jackets on i think i would have drowned lol. We also had plenty of splashing flights theres 6 to a boat and an instructor and everytime we went past one of the 7 other boats we splashed them as much as we could lol. Anyway after te rapid swim we got held under a waterfall our boat didnt get held under as long as the others thankgod as the water was so hard.
Lastly on our trip we went down a massive waterfall thing, and the instructors made us all sit at the front end of the boat holding onto just each other and as we went down we all flew off lol. Kev was swimming on the spot for a while whilst i was getting dragged into the boat as he go stuck in a current. Anyway we had such a good day it was really fun, we were so tired though by the end we fell asleep after we had dinner for a while.
So today i had to get up early to do my skydive it was the most brilliant thing ever. I was so scared when we were on the plane. It took twenty minutes in the plane to get to our point, we were up 14000 ft and i was so scared. As soon as we got to our point the first person was out and we all followed really quickly no time to think about anything. I was out 4th and we flipped round as we came out and were freefalling for 60 seconds before he put the parachute up. It was so fun the veiw was amazing, although today it was a little bit chilly so i got slightly cold lol. We jumped over the beach and as soon as the chute was up he was spinning us around in the air it was so good, and before you knew it we were landing on the beach. Then another person came down behind me and nearly lant on my head lol luckily they missed and just the chute lant on me lol.
They filmed the whole thing and took pictures so il try and put them on here when we can. We also got pics from rafting so il put them on as well. Kev didnt do the skydive mum lol but he came and watched me land on the beach. Keva thinking of doing it latter but he cant make up his mind lol. Cant wait to see the room bet it will look brillaint. Tell dad im fine and he'd love doing a skydive its brilliant. I hope your arms better soon, the hospital is rubbish. Miss you all so much, and love you lots. Hey dave lol, kev said you could of wrote more of a message than hey lol. So were off to Townsville in an hour so we will write again soon love you so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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