Hello everyone.
Well its been ages since we wrote, our last night in Airlie we went out with simon one of the boys in our room and we were playing some games in a pub down the road, i won a bag necklace and bracelet for doing the limbo lol.
The next mornign anyway we had to catch a bus at 7 i was pretty much sick for the whole morning journey lol. First off we stopped at a lawn bowls place were we got split into teams, there was 7 of us all together and we had to play in a competition, me and kev got to the finals lol but we got beat by the billybobs team lol. We then carried on our way to kroombit past rockhampton the cowboy town lol.
We finally got to kroombit at about 6ish where we had dinner and then played limbo and had a talent competiton before learning how to crack a whip, which neither me or kev were any good at, they then had a bucking ball but it was on so late and after no sleep the night before and a long journey me and kev got an early night.
The next morning we got woken up to darkness at 6 in the morning lol by someone banging blocks of wood on every door. We had breakfast and got taken to a ranch where kev had a go at clay shooting he got all five clays more than what the instructor got lol. We then had to catch a goat lol, we did this in our teams again and competed for the best time. Kev had to catch the goat by either its horns or its back leg drag it back to me where i had to flip it upside down and sit on it whilst kev got the brand and then held it on it for 3 seconds lol we came fourth out of seven lol. The team then got a choice out of the circle of love or the ring of fire, everyone chose the ring of fire which meant we all had to stand in a circle holding hands and the bloke span a bottle and whoever it landed in between had to hold the end connections of a cattle prod which the farmer said was 11 thousand volts and the vibration was supposed to go through the circle, however half the group backed out including me, whilst kev was the lucky one who the bottle span to lol, but he said it didnt really hurt just a little tingle lol.
After that we went back to the cattle station and got on horses ready to muster goats lol. I was on dolly and kev had snip, we rode for about an hour making sure our goats statyed together and took them to another field. Me and kev was at the back most of the time cus my horse wouldnt stop eating lol. After mustering the goats we got back on our bus about 11 and headed off to Rainbow beach.
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