Heya everyone,
Well the last couple of days we have been in Airlie beach, we went on our whitsundays tour, we got picked up in the morning from our hotel and got onto our ocean rafting boat, it took 50 minutes to get up to mantaray point where we done our snorkelling we went past the island where all the celebraties stay like mariah carey and kevin koshner. We then went snorkelling for an hour, we didnt see any turtles, which we was hoping to see but we saw some fish and two massive ones. We then went to whithaven beach which was so lovely, apparently you can clean your teeth with the sand lol but we didnt try. But u can exfoliate in it and stuff like that. We stopped for lunch there and stayed on the beach for quite a while.
The veiws were amazing and we saw loads of stingrays we were trying to creep up on them to take some photos but as soon as we got closer enough they zoomed off really quickly lol. It was a little bit breezy on the beach so me an kev were in our hoodies most of the time lol. We then had to get back on our boat and made our way back which took just under an hour we were looking out for some whales but we never saw any of them either, but we did see a humpback dolphin.
That night ocean rafting arranged for all of us to have a drink at beaches where we are staying so that was gd. We got some free drinks and stayed there for quite a while. Me and kev the ocean rafting bloke, two melbourne guys 'fabio and his mate' and a couple we met in mission beach went to paddys irish bar for a drink then to the nightclub mama africas, which was really gd and we bumped into tom who we also met in mission beach. So me an kev had a very drunk night stopped off in McD on the way home and got in goodness knows what time we cant remeber lol.
So yesterday we actually didnt get out of bed till 2 as we were so tired an hungover, well actually i got out of bed at 8 and bought two books and was going to sit at the lagoon but got too cold so thought id just go back to bed with kev lol. When we both finally got up we went to pick up kevs jumper which he left on the boat the day before and we sat at the lagoon for a while before getting some food and then we went down to our bar for a few soft drinks before getting an early night.
Today we have just booked our bus to kroombit for tommorrow morning, we are staying at a cattle station there which will be fun. Ive also put some more pics on the blog and think were just going to have a walk around before getting another early night tonight. No i havent lost any weight mum i got weighed when i was doing the skydiving and im the same weight as i was at home. Umm yea we will ring u today thought we must have gone through our money. Yea we loved the whitsundays mel and looking froward to fraser too, im not sure how long it will be till were down to you shall we call you when we get to surfers paaradise? Kev said hes glad you can use the blog now dawn and he is glad to hear everyones ok, and good luck to becky and neil if they get married before we get back. Miss evryone lots love you, we will write again soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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