What with the two days solid rain there wasn't much to see in Wellington. Wandered around the local museum for half an hour, bought a sewing kit, went to the only Welsh pub in the southern hemisphere and highlight of highlights, ate a crocodile pizza (somewhat spoiled by the mango though, boo mango).
Up early to catch the 3 hour ferry ride across to the south island, rather choppy for an hour, think I may have been the only person on the ship enjoying my fry up, big up our English navy heritage, the Welshies and Canadian I was with seemed to be having less fun... Arrived in Picton, got on a new bus with a new driver (called Dave, as pretty much everyone over here who isn't called Matt is), and pootled down to Marlborough where we got to do some wine and spirit tasting (didn't buy any, far to rough and expensive for my taste). Then onto Nelson, the centre of New Zealand (theres a signpost to prove it), for some beer tasting and a roast dinner... I like freebies.
Leaving Nelson the next morning, we headed to Lake Rotoiti for a wander and a sausage in a bun. Think I may have slept for the rest of the journey as I don't recall much else till we hit Westport. Most of the other travellers went to do some horsie riding or quad biking, me being a lazy sod by now decided to go have a wash and check out the local town with a girl off the bus. Turns out all the (few) food places shut early so we had to pretty much wake some chap up in a pub to cook us a pizza, which was rather good till the following morning, just like Dominos really...
Left Westport and drove down the west coast to Lake Mahinapua via a few stops for a wander and to look at the scenery which is rather nice. Also saw a seal colony, no great whites though. Harumph. Blow holes, pancake rocks, that kind of thing. And lots of foliage. They like their free walks on the Kiwi Experience... At Lake Mahinapua we stayed in the Mahinapua Hotel, otherwise known as the Poo Pub, run by the oldest licensed publican in the country (Les, 82). Kiwi Experience tradition was followed and we had to dress up for a poo party as something beginning with a P. Some deluded inspiration saw me hollowing out a pumpkin to wear as a helmet, but they just don't make the fruit big enough down here and I ended up going as a rather sad pirate instead. Lots of drinks later I think some of the others went to the beach for a bonfire, it's hard to tell I was asleep early (damn cheap jugs of Tui)...
Next day (lots of bus time, maybe thats why I'm so tired) drove further south still to Franz Josef to do the glacier hikes the following day. Stopped for breakfast in the Pukekura Bushman's centre, where I got to eat a Possum Pie (that's another tick on the animal list), really quite good as roadkill goes, though the Possum Jerky was rubbish and I had to bin it (think I'm going a bit soft). Not much happened that night, but to my credit I sewed 2 buttons back on a shirt.
What with theweather consisting mainly of rain and low cloud the Heli Hike I wanted to do was to be cancelled so I decided to jump on the bus the next day instead of sitting aroung doing nothing in the cold. Think Ill head back to the glacier when the weather picks up...
Drove onwards to Wanaka, another pointless small town with nothing to do but drink... But on route we stopped at a shooting range and I think through luck more than anything else with my eyesight I did rather well at the Winchester rifle shooting.. At night, the publicans seem to like the Kiwi bus and the few of us that hit the pub got cheap beer and free pool. After drinking my own bodyweight in Tui beer in the last fortnight, I'm now a sofisticated wine drinker....
Left Wanaka, stopping at the Puzzling World centre of illusions etc. All good stuff but hangover left me unable to solve almost anything.. Stopped at the Kawarau river, the home of bungy jumping to watch some people throw themselves over the edge. In no way did it inspire me to do the same, so i just stood back getting sweaty palma, thinking about the madness of it all...
Finally into Queenstown, adventure capital of the south, for some sleep. And a Fergberger. And some free shots curtosy of the drivers. And an early night because I'm a lightweight now!
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