So if u are on my Facebook then u would have heard that unfortunately my iPod has had a terrible accident and has now lost all my music! :( so since I can't sit here and listen to my music ((aka the love of my life)) then I will write instead. So today is day 4 of a 5 day cruise again with Chinese guest. That means for 4 days I have had nothing to do but sit and think... And u know that's never good for me. So to get my mind off of thinking for a bit let me tell you about some more people on the ship. My spa girls I already told you about but since then our Stephanie from England left and we got a new girl from china.. Her name is Dan. Total sweetheart and saving us all by helping to translate to guest. Too bad even with translation we still don't get guest lol. Anyway besides the spa I think I see the pool boys the most. The pool is located right outside the spa and they are responsible for the sauna so they walk by all the time. The one I made friends with first was Ling from china. He was really shy at first but now he stops by the desk whenever I am sitting and gives me advice about life. Love that we have someone that walks through the spa everyday and smiles :) Then there is Ronel from the Philippians. He would always have a frown on his face for the longest time so back when I started I began to just say SmiLE! Every time I past him. So now he is always has a big smile painted across his face when I see him. After the pool boys I guess I see blue boys a lot. They are 'fix it' guys and they wear these blue coveralls and that's why they are called blue boys. Anyway they are just about all from the Philippines and they love to karaoke so naturally I get along with them :) They all know my name cuz im one of the few girls that will sing with them. I give some of them nicknames so it's easy for me to remember. Haha Then we have the boys from the galley. Most of them are from India and all really sweet guys. Rolly and Bryan have to be my favorite because they Dj... Too bad one has left and the other is leaving soon :( I'm here for so long that there are a lot of people that will leave and come back for another contract. The spa girls have the longest contracts on the ship! I guess everyone else knows its crazy to do 9 months. Well there you have a few more people that I see everyday. Hope you are getting a better idea of what my life is like these days. On another note my sister should have my new nephew any day now! I'm so excited for her family to grow... Wishing I was there to celebrate this new blessing. Love you all so much!
- comments
Fran I miss you but what a great experience you are having. Gonna see your mom in August, yay! Take care, love you!!!