(12 November)
I had to be at Anna's hostel for 10:30 so left around 8.30 to be sure, as we weren't sure if we would find a tuk tuk easily. Scott came with me and got dropped at Hollie's on the way - they were staying and extra night then meeting us in Koh Phi Phi. We had to walk for a bit down the road to find a tuk tuk which wasn't fun because it is majorly hilly, but we got one in the end! I got to Anna's by around half 9, we went for toasties for breakfast and then I went to buy water etc while she finished packing. We left at 11 to get to the pier. This was another interesting journey...a stupid amount of bags on the back of a pick up truck with an even more stupid amount of people sitting on top of them! Amazed no-one fell off! I managed to get a seat inside, but that was possibly a mixed blessing as I then had Anna's "small" rucksack on top of me - it's almost as big as my big one! Don't know how she carries it haha.
The pier was absolutely mental, so many people! I was glad I wasn't on my own. Thankfully most of them were going to Koh Tao - so glad I didn't bother with it when I saw the crowds! Obviously everyone leaves the island around the same times after full moon!
The boat journey was ok, busy but slept most of the way anyway, although both of us were feeling a bit iffy - maybe seasick or just because of all the crowds! The bus from the pier was pretty nice, comfortable, and then we arrived at what I assume is kind of like a bus station for Krabi? The transport systems here are a little weird, they seem to drop you at random places half the time! Anna had already booked a hostel called PakUp, and I heard someone mention it while we were trying to figure out taxis - turned out there was a pretty big group going so we shared a minibus. It was mostly Americans, and a Canadian called Kristin who had met them on the bus and hadn't booked anywhere to stay yet!
The hostel was really cool! All new and really clean with huge beds and big storage lockers for our bags! It also had a rooftop bar and a bar out the back, bit wasn't noisy. Kristin was in our room, and then we met 2 English guys, a Lithuanian girl and a German girl. We chatted for a bit and showered etc then all went out for the biggest fail at an attempt at dinner ever haha. We went for street food because we were all hungry and just wanted something quick an cheap...for some reason though the food here didn't really follow the general rule. We sat for over an hour and 3 people got their food and ate it, with none of the rest of us getting anything. We hadn't ordered anything spectacular like, just things like noodle soup! we kept getting the lady's attention and he be like yes it's coming soon, and kept pointing at a packet of eggs for some reason haha, but nothing appeared. A huge Thai family sat and got served two courses before we got anything, which was almost fair enough because thy were Thai, and then at least 3 tables of westerners got their food as well an we were like, what!? Still absolutely no idea why she just didn't give us food! So eventually it became obvious that we weren't getting anything, and we just left and went to another stall. We still ended up waiting another hour, but at least this lady wasn't blatantly rude about it! It was so weird! no idea why she wouldn't just serve us like!
Eventually we got food and it was nice...not really worth a 2 and a half hour wait though! By this time the market was closed, so we went for a wander around the 7/11s to get dessert, then went back to the hostel.
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