We unfortunately missed all the trips going to Tikal today, as we didn't manage to surface until about 10am. So we settled on having a lazy day & took to exploring the streets of Flores, which is attached to the mainland by a 600m causeway. It was my Mum's birthday today (Happy Birthday Mum), so a little bit of Skyping over food & sorting out our washing, aided me in forgetting it was our anniversary today (8 years together!). D'oh! Sorry treacle. As a result we had a cheeky afternoon drink to celebrate, followed by sorting out our trip to Tikal & Yaxha & chilling/trying to get the Belize LP guide on my touch for info on the ruins tomorrow. We celebrated properly in the evening, with a fancy meal & a bottle of wine! It pushed us over our daily budget, but's our anniversary! The evening ended with us chatting to an American couple in the restaurant, who were on their honeymoon.
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