During our stay at the RV Park on Cheatham Annex Navy Station we have seen more wild life here than at any other place we have been so far. We see deer almost every evening while taking Kirby for a walk. One night we must have startled one deer and instead of running away he stood his ground and turned and pawed the ground like he was going to charge us...wouldn't you know that I did not have my phone with me that night to take a picture. There are geese everywhere. There is a hawks nest in our back yard but we have spotted two more nests while out walking. Our campsite is right on the Kings river but there is about a 30 FT cliff down to the water, one day we heard some tussling in the bushes and a fairly good sized turtle was climbing up the cliff. He continued to climb and marched right through our campsite. There are squirrels and rabbits everywhere and also a little rodent about double the size of a squirrel that's either a woodchuck or a gopher. There are a bunch of them on the golf course so I am thinking gophers like in the movie "Caddy Shack". Anyway hope you enjoy the pics.
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