Wednesday 21: Left Nebaj, even though I think the people on the bus station didn't want me to...I waited for hours and then someone came and asked me if I wanted a collectivo to Quiche! We were 18 people in the car and three men were standing inside (explains how small the guatepeople are!) I actaually wanted to go to Huehue but I ended up taking various chickenbusses towards Quetzaltenango (Xela). I think we came to the bus station (1000 busses) and it started to pour down! Got my backpack and hailed a taxi to Casa Argentina. Got a horrific room but it was only 30q.
On Thursday it was sunshine and I went to do my laundry (one of the best moments while travelling besides a hot shower!) Tried to look for planetickets from Brazil..still don't know what to do...strolled around town afterwards and took some pictures... In the park I ran into Eloi who I met in Antigua! We walked up to the viewpoint south of the city. When I met up with him later that evening he was carrying all his stuff! He tried to explain to me what happened but since my spanish still sucks I unly understood somethink with a machinegun, the walls in his room and that he didn't want to sleep there tonight...I brought him to Casa Argentina. Later that evening he showed me me pictures of the looked like someone had fired an automatic weapon 360 degrees around the room! Que fuerte! That's what you get without a guidebook...
The next day we didn't do anything...Well, I didn't do anything, he made me dinner...In the evening we watched Chocolate...I've never seen the magic Mayan hot choclate with chili...I want to try it!
On Friday he left for Mexico and I went for Lago de Atitlan...
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