Friday: Arrived in Panajachel. The weather was ok and we saw the fantastic view while climbing down! Got a boat over to Santa Cruz and chequed in at Iguana. Got myself a fantastic caba?. Strolled up the hill to the village of Santa Cruz. Was accompanied by this huge dog that scared all the locals. The old ladies crossed the street and the children stared at him!The view from up there was amazing... Went down and strolled by the lake...It was so quiet and peacefull! In the evening the whole hostel ate dinner together and that night there were 3 friends that lived in Antigua who came up for the weekend. They brought their guitars and drums and we sat outside all night singing! Since there were no electricity there were parafinlamps all over and I guess that made the atmosphere...
Saturday: Wanted to see another village around the lake so I went back to Pana. Accompanied a girl who had been diving in Utila last Sunday. Apparently she had untreated decrompression sickness and the pain she was feeling at the moment was tissue damage...Basically she should have gone in the chamber straight away! It was the altitude though that made her sick at the moment so she had to go down to sea level again, which meant that she had to go back to Honduras cause Guatemala is only highlands! Scary... After making sure she got on the correct bus (and carrying two backpacks up the hillfrom the dock!) I went to Santiago. There were loads of indigenous people there and typical textiles of Santiago were probably the most beautiful I've seen so far! The town was packed with children begging though and some of the shops I went into were filthy! There were tortillas, chickens and flies everywhere... Bu no matter how poor the people are here in Guate, they still love their pepsi!!!!
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