I have to take my hat off for Guatemala! This country is just amazing!! Hopefully I won't encounter any situations that will change my impression of this place while I'm here...
Have had two fab days after I left Antigua. First I went to Chichicastenango where there's a huge indigenous market every Thursday and Sunday. I found a hotel (expensive and nasty). Went down to the market (impossible to miss) and it was packet with people! The streets where packet with people trying to sell everything from chicken and piglets, blankets and handbags, flowers and spices...everything basically! I got stunned by all the goods and ended up buying nothing! It's the same in Asia, there are too many things so I can't see what I like or not...Great experience though...
Left for Nebaj Monday morning. Got on the chickenbus to Santa Cruz del Quiche. The curvy roads combined with a ralley(bus)driver only results in an indigenous woman clinging to my arm so she wouldn't fall OUT of the bus (the door is always open)! Little did I know that this was just a taste of the chickenbusses in Guate! Got to Quiche and found the bus to Nebaj...8:30 was the duetime...Got into the bus cause they ofcourse rush you in (adelante!!!) I waited and waited, got out of the bus a few times, went back in...waited some more...Had a good time though cause I got to see the life on the bus station...How they carry up heavy bags to the bussroof on the back of their necks, the women selling everything from a basket on top of their heads, how they change the tires of the bus and do mechanics on the busses and I also saw an old man who had hens, chickens and a dog with him on the bus (together with his wife, some chairs, bags of clothes etc.) The hens and the dog had to go on the roof! I felt so sorry for that poor dog later when the bus was speeding in 100 kmh! We left at 10:00 and the bus was packet! I could only see cowboyhats and colorfull indigenous clothings in front of me! I was the only foreigner on the bus and we were sitting 3 people in one seat! Flashback from China...The driver was speeding and It's amazing that theese busses are still alive! And me! I think the busses in Guate are the most dangerous experience I've had so far in Central America....Good fun though, and the scenery up in the mountains are stunning!!!
I could rave about Guate for hours... It's up there with China and Cuba...the guate people are definately on the top though!
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