Today was wonderful lets start at the beginning...
I spoke with my hotel manager and told him i would like to move rooms the one i was in is sooo big, no tv and old fashioned the one 3 doors down had a woking tv, smaller, and very modern decore much more perfect for me... So they said i could move howver it would cost me more $35... This is just can not afford so i went to get dinner to think about it!!
For dinner i went to a lovely meal at a place called china town chinese food mmmm!! Mid sweet and sour chicken i got a message of my gurdian angel Naina (I think she has some sort of radar which signals when i have a problem or dilema) She had rang the hotel to see if i had been recived well and they told her i wanted to change rooms and after 2 phone calls she had managed to get them to agree on the same price $28!!! She really is my saviour!!
So there we have it i moved rooms with no extra charge and the room is great 4 poster bed... stone tiled floors... clean modern bathroom!!! I was very happy that evening...
Then i woke up at 9am a night sleep which can only be described as perfect!! Chilled, no tossing and turning no waking up to dogs barking just pure and simple peace.
When i woke up i headed out and refilled my water at the reception desk for 20rp and went for breakfast by this time it was 11 so i decided to have breckfast/ lunch so i treated myself to a English Breckfast at Lemon tree which was a bit dissapointing not quite the same as in england i am not sure why i was expecting the same but oh well it filled a hole and kepted me going all day. So why i was enjoying (not so much ) my english breckfast a tibetan refugee came to talk to me she was an elderly woman but spoke wonderful english. She did the usual trick of asking name and age then complenenting you.. But me being me i fell for it and agreed after i had finished i would take a look at her handicrafts... Well what a mistake...
I thought if nothing else i might find out a bit about the life of a tibetan refugee and expected to buy something for maybe 100rps (1 pound) to say thanks... When i asked her about her escape well she did'nt her parents did and she was born here then it was to the presure of purchase i really did not like any of the things she had i picked the nicest thing there and asked how much... i was thinking 100 she said 4000 you have got to be kidding me i almost laughed aloud!!
I said no i can not affored that i tried to leave ... i did not really want it anyway.. she kept saying christmas present ... No i can not affored them either (sorry guys sock rabbit anyone) Well eventually i managed to leave and then avoided her for the rest of the day... Live and learn polly don't be so niveve.
Then i headed down to lakeside and got clobered again and a man chatted to me for the whole lenth of the lake... he was a guide and poter and as we got to the end of our trail i said good bye and he asked if i would give him 100rp for some momo's ... I was a willy and gave him but he had walked talking to me for like 20 mins... So thats me fool again i was even more anoyed when i saw him a few mins later sat down no momo's. Thats the last time i will be had.
So many more people came to chat i just politly said not today.
So then i got a boat i could not decide between row and sail boat in the end went for row... it was relaxing i took a book and music and chilled divine!! I dipped in my feet i was tempted to swim but i decided i would not be able to get back in the boat!! I paddled around and got jelouse of the sailors... So tomorrow guess what i am doing ... sailing YAY..
Today i spent half a day on the lake cost me 400rps. Then i had a mocktail at a great bamboo bar next to the lake then headed back to my room for a bath mmmm lovely bath!!
Over all a real great day!!
Lets hope tomorrow is just a spectacular!!
Love to all
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