Hello UK!!
Firstly may i just say I MISS YOU!! I hope you are all well and the UK is still ticking over without me!!
So now ME!! I am Pokhara which is a smaller city than Kathmandu, its calmer, less polluted and i love it here!!
So where was i up to on the last blog, i had just booked my Ananpuna trek and was setting off at a ridiculously early hour of 5:30 to take a 6 hour bus journey to Pokhara!! Well i of course was dreading it i could just imagine it old clapped out bus, people sat on top and squashed inside like sardines with me puking up at the back!! But it was the complete opposite the bus was a tourist only bus and had maybe 20ish people in it. It was spacious, air con'd, water provided and i had some much to look at that in the whole 6 hours i did not throw up once !! We arrived in pokhara at a hotel called Moonshine it was nice enough en-suite, clean what more do you need! We then went to bed!
Trek day 1 began with a 1 hour (more like 2) journey to the beginning of our trek Nayapul, this is there it started and ended! 10 days of walking here we come! So walking for the first day was interesting who new that a fat English girl would find putting one step in front of the other so bloody hard!! But i made it slowly slowly day one tick!!
Trek day two now that was interesting (the hardest day) woke up legs really painful walking to breakfast was tricky!! And next thing a new 3400 steps up to the next village!! can you believe it i nearly died!! but sure enough slowly slowly i made it to the village. Now i need to stress something as credit needs to go not to me who walked everyday(ish) but Sunam this poor guy had to walk Bistarli (slowly) everyday plodding along listening to me puffing and panting everyday!! Asking how long till lunch?? how long till we stop?? can we rest?? i need more water!! is it up hill? when do we go down hill?? YOU SAID THIS WAS FLAT!! Little up HA!! HA!! I call him Pinocchio His nose sure grew in the last week and a half!! We also called him Mary Poppings as he did not have a waterproof so instead used a umbrella!! and poked me alot with it!
Trek day 3 was well to be honest a blurr it all is!! more walking more complaining but the thing which made it all worth while was the Laughing OH THE LAUGHING!! Plodding at the back has brought a long lasting friendship!! I sure as hell will never forget!! In the evening we would chill, shower, eat (well i would'nt) and play cards!! 1000 and kitty where my particular hits!! We would laugh some more "so Lakba how was your day? tomorrow we will walk a little up and little down and little up and little down, we can order breakfast now, if the weather is clear!! HA"
Ok so the weather needs a mention at this point (mum your idea of socks off wash them and put then on your bag they will be dry for the next day theory was tosh!(tosh how posh am i)) we forgot one major issue MONSOON!! everyday rain rain rain!! some mornings we were lucky and had sun but then come 10 rain rain rain and yet more rain!! Apparently its the worst weather they have had in ages!! Typical if i wanted that much rain i would have stayed in England!!
Ok so day 4 and 5 this is where i let you all down!! Sorry Mum and Les!! and Mike don't say i told you so!! i failed!! miserably!! on day 4 i struggled my legs ached my body was exhausted my mind was not focused!! I felt terrible let me just fill you in on some minor details i had not had a full meal in 4 days in-fact if you put together all the things i had eaten it would have properly equaled 1 meal!! Your see when we stopped for lunch i was so tired i just physically could not eat it would go in mouth and i would feel physically sick!! and this was the same for every meal!! i just had no appetite and since i was walking for 6 - 7 hours everyday up and down up and down!! i new i had to eat but i just could'nt and this began to take its toll on day 4 i plodded on Bistarli (slowly) which is my new fav word in Nepal!
Day 5 I made the worst decision of my life!!!! (sorry mum and les!!) i walked until lunch until Bamboo and this is where the trek to the base camp really started 2 days of up hill climbing to 4300m (ish) and we where only at about 3000!! With a combination of being pushed for time, not wanting to hold the other up any longer, the fact that i had come down with the travelers poo's and was starting with a cold, and to give my poor porter a break who was carrying my bag which of course was the most heavy he had so many blisters it was untrue!! I caved and decided to stop and wait 3 days until they came back down ! That evening and the morning best decision i ever made! One hour later reflecting in tears worst decision i ever made!! I then had to sit through no fault of my own 3 days of toucher when you have nothing but a book, cards and a diary to stop you from thinking what an idiot you are POLLY!! Now there is only so many times you can play solitair!! i defiantly pushed that limit above and beyond.
Anyway after alot of deliberation and 3 days of nothingness. I feel ok about it!! i walking continuous for 5 and a half days o got to 3000+ m and i have done the hardest thing i have ever done in my life!! the group was reunited with me and we walked for a further 3 days a little down a little up me and Sunam Laughed and i had the best few days walking ever!! littrially i have never laughed so much in all my life as i did the last 3 days!! I will remember them forever!! i don't feel sad now that i did not make it to the top i concurred my everest walking for more than 1 day so GO ME!! So this brings me to about now!! last night we had an great time we took the lads out in Pokhara and we went to a great club (which i never expected) we ate some food we drank alot!! beers and cocktails all round!! we had a great evening and mum and les i thought of you!! there was a band who played in one of the bars the first song they sang Dire straits Sultans Of Swing!! Miss you too!! Miss you all soo much!!
One more thing to mention i was well and truly leetched!! everyday pretty much!! i would take off my boot and socks would be covered in blood mmmmm nice!! one even got me on my knee how i don't no. generally i would squeel and a porter or guide would come to rescue! I love those guy they were really awsome!!
So this morning i felt a little worst for ware!! my body was on automatic wake up at 6:30 breakfast did not go down well!! then we handed in our laundry and wandered through Pokhara Kierian booked a para gliding trip for this afternoon i resisted (its expensive) instead i will wander around the shops go on a boat ride on the lake!! and Chill!!
So time for some reflection. I miss England its gotta be said!! I have decided i am really looking forward to the elephant Trekking in Chitwan we leave tomorrow at 6:30 another 6 hour bus journey JOYS!! then we spend 2 nights 3 days sat on an elephant. Now that i can do! and then we go back to kathmandu!! Kieran leaves and i am left alone!! Which i am really looking forward to!!
So guys i think thats about updated you with the past 11 days ish obviously there is so much more to share but i am sat in a internet cafe now for 2 hours writing this and there is a country to see!!
But i miss you all and i will speak after chitwan!!
Love to all
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