Hello all!!
Well, again it is nearly time to leave Sydney and therefore time to reflect!!! So arrived in Sydney after an extremely stressful nightbus - some girl behind me moaning all the way about lack of room and my legs ending up the size of tree trunks!! Attractive I hear you all scream!! Anyway finally checked in to hostel and went and met Lisa, who I had travelled up from Melbourne with - she is in practically all the pics!! and was the reason why most of them were taken too!! thanks lisa! First things first we went for lunch in chinatown - which was yummy!! then for a walk around Darling Harbour - had an iced chocolate in the Lindt cafe!! Sooo good! Xmas eve we went out for lunch outside in Syney Harbour, which was beautiful until it chucked it down with rain and we had to move indoors! I was getting ready to superimpose blue skies on my photos for xmas day! Anyway went to Sidebar that night which was great fun along with Lisa and new room mates Suzy and Fiona. A great night was had by all and they did count down to xmas day! Anyway woke up xmas day morning and went over to Lisa's for presents and then began cooking lunch, Lynne and Chris and Anna joined us for a delightful microwave meal and then we headed to Bondi. Weather was great and had an amazing day!!
Boxing day we all headed to Botanical Gardens to watch Sydney to Hobart boat race set off!! Saw lots of boats but start of race was too far away to see much!! Then headed to the gaff on Oxford street for a night out which was hilarious! Lots of cheesy music! Next day headed to Manly beach, then in evening went to see 'the holiday' with Lisa!! What a film!! Ultimate chick flick!! Next day headed to Coogee, which was amazing! Went in the sea and got completely taken out by the waves on a number of occaisions!! - Managed to hang on to my bikini though Rae! That evening went to see 'Not New Years Eve' showing at the opera house. Was amazing! Was classical at first, which is not my cup of tea, but then Karl Kennedy from Neighbours came out and sung some queen songs and then James Morrison came out and started playing Jazz on his trumpet - what a legend!!! Next day headed to Hyde Park, which was beautiful and then out for a few drinks with Fiona and Suzy and their friend Craig from home - ended up in Cash Box Kareoke - which is where you are put in a room with a kareoke machine and microphones and you sing your heart out!! all you singstar fans would have loved it!! think we were in there three hours in the end!!! Next day headed back to Manly to beach and everyone came to yha for fajitas for dinner - yum!! Went to Darling harbour with a nice young man that I met and then met up with everyone else for some drinks in Shangri-La Hotel - amazing views over sydney harbour!! NEW YEARS EVE - we chilled in gardens during the day and sunbathed, chatted and of course ate!! Then the fireworks!! They were amazing!! then headed to a street party in the rocks where everyone was climing lampposts and up traffic lights!!! New years day Lisa had to leave, which was quite traumatic!! After much sleep we eventually headed to Coogee for BBQ!! Next day Suzy and Fiona moved out of our room and headed to their apartment - a very sad day! That night went to Rocks to see some live music, great singer doing crowded house and greenday, which was awesome! Met up with Karen from home and headed over to Manly where she lives and stayed with her for the night. Was lovely to see someone from home, we went out for a beautiful dinner and chatted lots and then I had a double bed all to myself!!
Am now in the Blue Mountins, which are beautiful, so thank you to guys from work!! We left yesterday and saw some Kangeroos! I saw one with a baby in pouch - which is very sweet! Went to Wentworth falls and saw the three sisters, then took a ride on the scenic railway!! Such an amazing trip - thank you again!! Am chilling in blue mountins today and am heading to Coffs Harbour on night bus tonight!! The east coast extravaganza is about to begin!!
I will keep you all informed!
Loads of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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