Ok so I have not updated this for a while!! But have been living in Melbourne and having so much fun have not really had time, plus have not had that many travelling stories to write about as have been in St Kilda the whole time!
Last time I wrote to you I think it was just before my birthday?? Not sure if that is right but I will start from there! So couple of days before my birthday we headed off to this massive house on the beach in Dromana - was fantastic!! It was a friend of a friends, the view was amazing and he made dinner and took us for a drive in his porsche! Headed down to beach as well which was lovely - although not to warm! Ben and I had a very heavy night drinking and had to be up early the next day to travel back into Melbourne! Needless to say the car journey was not pretty and a couple of 'toilet' stops had to be made on route!! Anyway, that night we were all heading out for my birthday, both Benny and I feeling extremely worse for ware but had to celebrate. So we headed to this bar called night cat on Brunswick Street, which had this amazing live band on! They played kind of jazzy blues type music, couple of Stevie Wonder classics!! Was brilliant!! A great night was had by all and Kate, Louisa and I got a very hilarious cab ride back to St Kilda - I thought singing to the taxi driver was supposed to be appreciated!
Had a very quiet day on my actual birthday and just went out for some food with the girls and then headed to the boys house for a chilled evening! Next day Kate, Soph and Rach headed off to the west coast and I moved in with the 3 boys. I lived with them for two weeks and in this time I got a job in a bar on fitzroy street - bar corvina! Was great fun and met some really amazing people. Also had some awesome nights out too! Kept netball training too and got to play in some matches at the state netball centre - it was amazing!! Massive facilities and all dedicated to netball and hockey! Moved into a Studio apartment with Jess (soon to become jeffica!) and Hannah. It wsa tiny but also very girlie! I had access to straightners again!! Anyway had great fun living with these girls too and the boys were still round everyday! Ben came over to cook us a roast the day after I moved out of theres and it was amazing! Ended up eating it at about midnight as it took so long to cook and my yorkshire puddings did not seem to work but was amazing!! Had a few troubles getting in my top bunk that night - too much food and alcohol consumed!
A few shopping trips on chapel and acland street were called for and had really nice lunch at Tusk bar too. I also went to the Grand Prix in Melbourne - was a fantastic day! Did not realise how loud those cars are! Had a great day and walked on the track after too! Had a BBQ on the beach too and got told to put it out cos of the fire restrictions - luckily we had cooked most of the food by that point and then headed out into the city - was a great night although ended up at L'otel again!! Music was fantastic though! First bit of chees I had heard since south molle island on Whitsundays!!
Kate and Rachel got back from west coast and kate was coming to stay with me, jeffica and hannah in our 'shoebox'!! I got home from work that night and fell asleep and did not wake up until 2o clock in the morning, by which time kate had been and woken up all the neighbours trying to find me and gone and stayed with rach!! Oops - far too much of a deep sleeper!! Anyway got to see them the next day and we had a night out to celebrate their return - headed to transport in the city and dee from work and Lauren from home came along too! was a really good night. next day we headed to preston to star in Harold Bishops music video!!! I know it was fantastic!! You guys have to look out for it, think it is coming out back home in the summer! We are in the audience!! Hilarious!
Our last weekend in Melbourne was fantastic!! It was sophies birthday - so after having a few drinks at my work we headed into the city and to transport again! We then headed to get some food on the way to Brown Alley a club further into town. This club was not my kind of music but Kate and I danced the night away and made up our own lyrics to the beat - that repeated itself for the entire evening! It was no 9 while 5 I will tell you that!!! We ended up dancing until about 6 in the morning and by this time, suprise suprise - i was hungry again!! So we headed to Rics deli for breakfast!! Was amazing - kate and I both had Poached eggs and this amazing special beans they make on ciabatta toast! It was soo good!! We then headed back in a taxi and the boys dropeed us back at ours only for kate and i to realise that i had forgotten to take a key with us - so there we were at 8 in the morning in our clothes from the night out and no way of getting in!! The other girls were still at the club!! So we called the boys and headed to theirs in a taxi!! Was hilarious - slept most of the day and then that night headed out for some dinner for sophs birthday, then all the goodbyes had to start as my flight was at about 5 o clock in the morning and so had to leave. Not good - lots of sad farewells were said and then my Oz experience came to a close! Boo hoo!
See you all in New Zealand xxx
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