We are currently in our "tourist" van from Delhi to Agra. In Agra is the Taj
Mahal. Its about 120kms but takes around 5.5 hours because there is so much
traffic! And not just cars... Motor bikes, pedestrians, bikes, camels,
elephants, buffalo. There are also these 3 wheeled mini taxis that each have
about 12 ppl minimum in them. I thought they'd maybe fit 3 people! As the
tour guide said...India is a democracy, everyone can use the roads as they
We haven't seen much outside of the van yet, but this is a completely
different place. There are so many people... 18M in Delhi alone. But so much
poverty, its really quite sad.
The food is unbelievable! I had an Indian breakfast this morning and
absolutely love it. I had lentils, potatoes, chickpes... Each in different
curries, and pancakes etc. You have to be careful though because you aren't
allowed to have their water. We have to brush teeth with bottled water. Also
can't eat anything that might have been washed w water... Salad, apples
etc... But u can have pineapple and things which have been peeled.
So far its been pretty eye opening to say the least. We stopped for a
washroom break and Antony had his picture taken with these little kids and a
cobra around his neck... I took pictures but wouldn't go near it. The funny
thing I've found is that while we look at them very intrigued, they do the
exact same back to us.
Everyone says hello. Speak to you soon.
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