Well we're nearly at the end of our Asia tour. We are about to leave for the airport in about 1.5 hours time to go to Singapore and then at 01.10am Friday morning we are off to Perth. We have had a great time in Asia and most people we have come across have been very friendly and welcoming. We have seen lots of lady boys especially in Bangkok and we found it very funny last night when a western man was blatantly going home with a lady boy but he either didn't seem to know or didn't care. We have seen lots of western men married to Thai young ladies with young babies but seem to be quite happy together. Traffic is a nightmare in Asia and whether it is a tuk tuk, taxi, motorbike or bus, drivers definatley don't seem to care for predestrians. You kind of have to take your life in your hands when crossing the roads especially in Bangkok!! Drivers are very crazy and seem to have a mysterious thhird lane and seem to just drive where they like path, pavement or road!! How there aren't so many accidents I don't know!!
Asia has been amazing and lots of places have opened our eyes and made us realise what a rich country we have. Cambodia was probably the hardest place to be culturally as there was so much poverty and begging. We will definately come back to Thailand again but we are both happy and ready to go to Oz now.
Lots of love and speak to you soon from Oz xxx
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