Hello from Oz,
Yes you can all relax now we are in the safety of Oz. We are in Perth in a really cool hostel. We paid for 3 days but have just extended it by another week to save money but also because it is a really cool place and people we are sharing with are really nice. Everyone we meet is Irish!! How messed up! We met a lot people yesterday from sunbathing by the pool and also we all went to the local club together and rocked in some time this morning. Everyone in the hostel seems to have a hangover this morning!! Later this afternoon we have been invited to the park with people from the hostel to chill and have a few beers. We have only been here 2 days but seem to have settle in really quickly. We got to Singapore and found it to be very expensive and couldn't find anywhere to stay so we managed to change our flight to Perth free of charge 15 hours early which was really cool. We were really knackered when we got here though because we had been travellling for over 24 hours. The only problem with Oz is that the prices here are ridiculously expensive and just like home and some. So we are going to have to watch our pennies a little bit more. It's weird because we have been so used to paying hardly anything for anything and coming here has been a huge financial shock but I'm sure we will soon get used to it. It's also weird not having to watch a million times for tuk tuks etc when you cross the road and everyone speaks English. In the 6 weeks we have been in Asia, we quickly became used to their customs and we're finding it hard now to adjust back to normality.
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