We arrived in auckland late at night and the first thing we noticed was that it was a lot colder than we thought. I was gonna have to by another jumper!
Then next morning we ventured out to the big city and wandered and the second big difference was the hills the roads were at stupid angles and a b***** to climb which probably wasn't a bad thing as i hadnt done much exercise. Auckland appears to be pretty spread out and I thing as we were walking to most places we didnt see all that much of it we stayed pretty much in the centre and only really ventured out to Wheiki Island and Devonport which were both reached by boat.
Wheiki Island is a small island about 30mins away from auckland by boat we originally went due to the wineries but we went for a 1 1/2 (which turned out to be about 3 1/2 hours cause we got lost and went the wrong way) The senery around was great, the weather was great too and we went passed another small island called turtle island which did look like a turtle. But most importantly we found a vineyard and after a great meal we had some of the best wines we had ever tasted at the Cable Bay vineyard.
The rest of the time we spent walking around various places the muesum was good and the park the mueseum was in was great to walk around too all sorts oof random sulpures to look at.
After 4 days in auckland we picked our campervan up which looks great (and is named the Van Warhol) and we hit the road.
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