Hi all,
We arrived in Melbourne at last after a 22hour flight we were of course both knackered and therefore we just crashed as soon as we got there.
The next morning we woke up eager to explore and dispite the weather (the weather in melbourne was s***e either cloudy or raining) we just went out and followed our noses. We first stumbled across the Victoria Market and spent the next couple of hours walking round and looking at all the lovely and funny food like 'roo' burgers etc! Carrying on we found the museum of Victoria, which the pinnacle is the bones of a 'pigmy' blue whale (it was only 15meters long!!!) and Jem scared herself with the live spider exhibition, and went on a tram ride around the city.
The next day we went for a early morning swim in the local pool and then walked a very long way to the Zoo which was great (wombats are huge). Then in the evening we went to 'the world famous' neighbours night which was great. We met a number of the neighbours cast (some I didnt recognise) and best of all we met Dr Karl Kennedy and after we all had a chat and photos ect the good doc played with his band some great music like 'Ruby' and the best of all 'Susan who the F&$# is Susan'. Absolutly brilliant - cheese on a stick.
Tuesday the 6th - Today we went on a wine tour of the Yarra Valley sampling wines from a number of vinyards and after the short intro into how to properly sample wine (boring and makes you look stupid) we got down to some hard drinking and by about 3pm when we got to the Moet and Chandon vinyard we were well pissed and we slept v. well that night.
Wed 7th - This was our last day in mebourne and was a bit of an lazy day we just bummed around coffee houses and went to the cinema (saw ironman - suprisingly good considering I hate the lead guy) discovered that the KFC near the cinema is the best KFC i've ever had and at 7pm we boarded the overnight train for the 13 hour journey to Sydney.
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