Our next destination is an Island in the middle of Nicurugua's largest lake, doesn't sound overly exciting does it?
Throw in 2 volcanos on either side of the island, and some beautiful beaches and you have Ometepe island. Volcan Konception isthe largest of the 2 volcanoes and the only active one. The volcano completely dominates the island, making everything else seem extremely small, we had some great views on the ferry over from Rivas.
Our accomodation was also very impressive, right next to the lake and usually home to the islands most pristine beach. Unfortunately for us the rainy season had left the beach 6ft under water sowe never got to see it :-(. Our Bungalows were right next to the crashing waves from the lake and at night we could only near the water.
Unfortunately we both have been struck down with travellers illness (you really don't want to know the details!) needless to say we were incapacitated for these 2 days we were here - unfortunately we couldn't do the volcano walk or even move from the resort. Instead we were joined by an injured Ange who stacked it onto some concrete and b*****ed her knee (or broke her leg as she claims) and a tired out Drew. So we had the Uno grand championships and admired the view of Konception by the lake.
This was a real shame, and minus this fact and the bedbug incident we really enjoyed Nicuragua - its a land of a tragic past, said to be the poorest country in Central America - we found it to be friendly, very scenic (massive mountains and huge volcanoes are everywhere you turn) and even idilyic in some parts. This country will soon become a tourist haven - so if you decide to go - go soon before the ambiance and its spell get taken over!
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