Noooo!!! I can't believe the Bolivia geetar is no more!! It's been with you from the very beginning.... I was looking forward to seeing it back here, but not as much as I'm looking forward to seeing you again! Looking forward to swapping tales about Cambodia, Vietnam etc.... get well soon.
Lil' T
Davey G!!!!!
I am getting ever so excited qbout your imminent return! Can it really be so week?!! Cor blimey Guvnor!
Alas, I very much doubt that you are quite so excited. I'm sure diving, hammocking and worldly sights far surpass life in souhthern England.
Nevertheless, I will still be very glad to see you very soon!!! Yay!!!
Boon, Clarabell, Yim and Yen moved into their mahoooosive pad yaday. Tis ginormous!! Loadsa space. Methinks the quartet will have a great time there. Great location too. I'll let the Choons-meister exlain the decor in his own special way tho ;) Tis a sight for...well, sore, eyes.
Verk is a bit maniacal (is that a word? If not, it should be...i like it), and am glad it is the weekend! But all else it grand
Eeek! Gonna see you soon!
Lots and lots of love
Ooohhh! Thank you monsieur for the postcard, what a lovely surprise from my travelling bud! Ciao for now xxx
Davide! You poor thing - the sweats (and not even of the meat variety!) and shivers!? Sounds like the dreaded dengue to me! :-) Only kidding, I hope you are feeling better. Life is hectic back here as u can imagine. Per is trying to find himself a job (had an interview in gay Paris of all places! - so he decided to stop by Amsterdam on the way, as u do) I will write to u properly soon. Glad you're continuing to have a fab time.
Loadsa love, Friday xxxx
Gill And Co
What a fascinating account of your near demise. You make it sound amusing but I imagine it was actually pretty scarey. We are VERY glad you are safe (if not sound)!
Do you know yet when you are coming home? If you are home by 7th October, would you like to come to the theatre with Ma, Rosie and me (Ma's birthday present). Thought I'd give you first refusal on the spare ticket. Yes, yes, I know it's bizarre for you to be thinking about seeing a 17th Century English play (Ben Johnson) when you are in Vietnam. However, from your blogs, which show no signs of your imminent return, I think you might miss this cultural treat (I saw it last week with Graham - haven't laughed out loud so much at the theatre for ages).
I'm glad you can dive now - you can go sailing with your Dad - him in the boat, you under it lol.
Lots of love
Gill Bannster
Well, we go away for August and everythng happens where you are!
Ma was tickled pink by your present, and has asked me to thank you over the ether (well, she actually asked me before we went away at the beginning of August but I forgot - sorry!). She now mixes in some of your tea with hers, and we have the interesting experience of afternoon tea with a whiff of tangerine. Very exotic!
Sorry about the lost dosh, and we hope you survived veitnam traffic. Keep the blogs coming. Ma has even joined in - "don't forget to bring me the latest blogs from David" was my instruction over the phone today. Sweet!
Lots of love,
Gill and co
Dave, Shaun lives in Hi Chi Minh City in case you find the British Council there. He actually does live there, I promise. Any idea yet when you're coming home?
Gutted won't be able to come out to Thailand. Your Sept 8th post was cool. Becoming quite the activist aren't you?
Sure you can't come and sample the (dubious) delights of Shanghai? You know you want to... More mentalness out here than you can shake a stick at. Do it.
Mystery Messager
OY!! Dangerous Dave!! It is very dangerous not to log out of your journal, especially with people like me lurking around the Tupiniquim Hostel!!
Sort it out mate!!
Oh, and hello by the way!!
Lil' T
Daveeed Daveeeed we love you!
We miss you!
Oh, yes we do!
Oh pooey Pooh pooh pooh!
Will write you soo-n!
Eat qome stew!
Mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Friday
Cannot belieeeeeve you're going back for another full moon!! I'm jealous! I've missed those buckets. So are you gonna fly there or something? Surely you won't have enough time to go overland! Say hi to Smoky Smokerson for me. Hope you guys have an awesome time. Muchos amore xxx
Not having much luck at the mo, are you treacle? Still, if you're still alive, its all good in the name of the cause.
Try not to get raped/attackec by rabid monkies/catch ur fro in a rickshaw...bad things come in threes....