Cor blimey guvnor!!
I am very sorry to hear about your theft experience...pas bon!
What a crock 'o poo!
And you knew who did it? Hope you kicked them in tha nertz!
I too lost my bank cards recently...maybe it was a sympathy thing. However, no one has rung up such a horrendous number of dépenses on far as I know.
Rubbish! Will you get it back? The money that is. Will insurance and all that sort u out?
I'm sure people would be willing to rally round and lend you some moulah, so that you didn't have to fly back earlier than planned...Emphasis on the Lend mind you! But yeah, if it will keep you in dreads/dreds (sp?! I know, criminal I can't spell it!!) and boardies, and eating good food for a little while longer, then just give me a shout...
I want to see the Editor's cut of your entry!
Send it me!
I am a little apprehensive as to its contents, and if it may make me change my mind about the Bank-of-Tasha-loan-to-a-certain-Davey-G...but I still want to read it noneless.
Share the wealth! were the ex Warwick Rugby filth? *cough* Do they fit into your editor's cut?!
Don Carlo
David! You needa money?? I give you money. No problem. No interest, no much as you want. Call me. Carlo.
Die Fledermaus
Bro with the fro? I refer you to
David - my landlord lives in Chiang Mai, no doubt in a super swanky condo. If you have time, try to find the British Council office (very attractive old building) and see if you can say hi to him. He's the Director there, so might be a bit busy, but if you announce yourself as my bro with the fro then I'm sure he'll see you. His name is Waller. Shaun Waller. Lovely chap.
Gill And Rosie
Rosie is busy not looking up that strange word as I She has been busy making 76 chocolate cakes for our wedding anniversary (Rosie says: well, there were 80, but 4 sort of managed to descend into the oblivion that is our stomachs), which we are celebrating on Saturday (just the 30 years - scary, eh!). Sounds like you continue to be having a fabulous time ..I wonder what coming back to ordinary life will be like for you,
Lots of love
Hi David. How the devil are you? Long time no read.
Just to let you know, I've made a new batch of homebrew and, unlike last time, everything has got back to tastes absolutely vile, smells like rotting plums and has a colour similar to that of carrot juice. I've just had two pints and I'm flying! xxx
Hey there cousin o'mine... Since you've now been away for, like, 4 1/2 years I thought I'd better drop you a here it is. Marvellous journals you've fashioned for the nation, nay the world, to enjoy. I know the rest of the Bowen clan are mightily entertained by them too. It's just we're all a bit crap at technology... I'm paving the way for them though. Soon as they see this baby on the message board there'll be no stopping them. Best scarper now since am technically supposed to be working. Not that you travelling types would remember what that is... Keep having the fun-stuff. I'm not bitter. Lots of love xx
Lil' T
What ho!
No messages on the board of late...chuh.
Had best add some pointless comments of my own then!
Devastating re. the World Cup.
Let's all torment Mr C. Ronaldo!
Am not a fan...not a fan du tout. Grrrrr.
How u getting on out there Davey G?
Where are you now?
Have you seen any HUGE sea prawns the size of small dogs, that are blue, and not artificially pink and weeney like we get here at home?
Hehe...If I turn my head, guess who I can see...a meer (sp?) 12 metres from me...MR BOON! Yes indeed!
Tis too weird! S'great.
You should join the BOCE corporation when you get back...we can take over the world!!!!
Missing you still!
Lots of love and huggles,
The Traveller Himself
Gill, my dearest of aunts with the surname Bannister. Please tell Grandmama to not be such a sesquipedalian. Also, did you ever receive the postcard of me pre-bungy? Indeed, have you had any from me yet? Lots of love to all Bannisters, and aunts named Gill/Jill.
David. xxx
Miss Mcwhirter
I'm finally caught up on all your news. Still jealous, despite peace festival fun to be had in Leamingtonia this weekend.
Are people allowed to write about themselves on this or is the site only for Dave-related-news? Well, either way I'm going to tell you I've got a job... and I passed my maths and ICT tests.... and I finished my last placement... so I'm basically a teacher. WOOHOOOO!
Final Fling was ace and drunken... can't believe a whole year has gone by.
You missed a fantastic weekend Chez White avec many people including Boon for Miss Lou's Birfday. You were mentioned and thought of at several points, well, we did have a lot to drink.
Love and big slobbery kisses,
The Traveller Himself
I do indeed have some very creative friends. But I don't know quite what the obstacle that you are stumbling over is, Ricardo. If I'm not mistaken, the fairy in Moulin Rouge was played by Kylie Minogue. Daniel Robert Lord, Esq. BSc. Hons. MSc. has often been mistaken for the diminutive Aussie popstar herself, both in and out of green tights. You need to open your eyes to the truth Richard - take off those blinkers and let the real world in.
I walked past the British Council Offices here in Singapore today. Ever been?
Dave. I was just looking through your photo albums and came accross your aspirations folder. Jon's buffon is truly commendable, but I can't help but ask myself why Dan decided to go to a fancy dress party dressed as the green fairy from Moulin Rouge... You really do have some "creative" friends...
Mum, well done on posting your message. Big shout out to anyone who knows me too.